clrcms Member


  • Hi emmajaneway - congratulations on your transition to a vegetarian / vegan diet. From someone who made the transition over time (from meat eater to pescatarian to vegetarian to vegan)- I wanted to let you know that any progress you make in reducing the amount of animal products you eat is good for the planet and good for…
  • SHBoss - Thanx for the advice. This is great info. I am glad I asked. Adding exercise to the picture means I not only have to think about what I eat but also "when" I eat it. (and good idea about watering down the gatorade - I will do that).
  • SHBoss - can you give some specific suggestions for how much and what type of carbs to eat before a workout. Weekends are not such an issue because I am at home but on Tuesday and Thursday I have started going to Water Aerobics after work. I really enjoy the class - but find that I need to eat more before class in order to…