This was actually very helpful for me, thank you!
I just started her Shred with Weights (I bought Shred and Shredd too, but it looked scary). It's intense, and at my low fitness level I can't do it straight through... I take little breaks throughout to breath or do something a bit lighter intensity while the DVD plays, and then get right back in the second I feel like…
This explains so much!
Good job for eating well the rest of the day! The worst is getting stuck in a shame spiral and letting everything fall apart. I can be a big binge-er sometimes, but it's lessened since I made myself a promise that if I want, say, chocolate, it will be the best most favorite kind, and I will stick to one serving. Same with…
I think you just saved my holidays... THANK YOU!
Thanks everyone! I appreciate the insight!
In my experience Weight Watchers is calorie counting (although they call it "points") combined with eating small meals throughout the day. The best thing I found out when I did WW is similar to what you're saying... they told me I was "starving myself fat". To find out how many calories you should be eating, you can use…
Ooh, I'm going to have to try this one!
If you're anything like me, the bun doesn't matter as much as the filling, so you can do the whole thin bun route and sub turkey burger and get it even lower cal/fat. Course it won't taste exactly like a Big Mac then, but usually it's the sauce/condiments I miss.
That's such an inspiration to me! Thank you for sharing.