Have reactive hypoglycemis/need Weight Watchers helpl

ok YAY!! went to doctor today. took my blood sugar diary with me and when and what i was eating and all that. she said i have reactive hypoglycemia which is a pre-curser to insulin resistance, which is a pre-curser to diabetes. so nipping this one in the bud. was eating way off. no wonder i was not losing weight. even though i was only eating 1500 cals or so all my carbs were being stored as fat and so i could not lose weight. She said my body does not know what to do with carbs, so it just gives up and stores them. so have to UP the protein some MORE (im eating a lot but have to eat more) and eat only carbs loaded with fiber and only foods with low glycemic index. now i just have to learn what the heck that means. lol

She said the best thing for right now is using the Weight Watchers diet. I can't afford that right now untill about February before we recover from Christmas. So was wondering, does anyone have information on the weight watchers diet? I am supposed to eat foods with low glycemic index and lots of fiber and protein. and i need to add fiber. seems like stuff that is clear and tasteless wouldnt do the trick. any ideas on what to use as far as fiber supplement? thankyou
i should add that im not new to this site. i have been here since sept. and gained. this is a great site, its just that i kinda suck lol


  • AnarchyCupcakes
    In my experience Weight Watchers is calorie counting (although they call it "points") combined with eating small meals throughout the day. The best thing I found out when I did WW is similar to what you're saying... they told me I was "starving myself fat".

    To find out how many calories you should be eating, you can use the food tracker on this site. You may have to customize the protein vs. carbs based on your doctor's recommendation.

    Eat breakfast, every day (if you're like me this is the hardest part), even if it's just a protein shake or smoothie. Then make sure you have a good protein filled snack between breakfast and lunch. Then another snack between lunch and dinner. The goal is to stay fueled with the protein instead of carbs to prevent blood sugar flux, and to have lunch or breakfast be your biggest meal. Also, eat as many leafy green veggies as you want. Make sure not to go UNDER the amount of calories the tracker says you need for your goals.

    Eating breakfast and snacking helped me recently lose two pants sizes. Good luck to you! I think it's going to really help you with your goals!
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    You can adjust your goal settings to lower your carbs if you have a guideline for that.

    I love weight watchers but moved to a country without meetings lol!

    You are going to love it here on MFP. There is support and fun people and all sorts of great things.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    No disrespect to your doctor - but you can do this without WW - I think it is sometimes just the "easy way out" for busy GP's to suggest WW.....

    There is tons of info on the web re low GI - here is one very good site - happy reading - it is not as scary as it sounds ;-)
