MsShroom Member


  • This is so messed up - I have been using the newsfeed to go back to daily feelings and goals to keep me motivated - then it's just GONE?! No archive of it to access? This is such bad form. I have been using MFP since 2011 = I picked up again this year with daily checking in and affirmations an have hit a new goal of…
  • You're doing terrific! Keep it up - and I had the same problem about 5 months ago before I started really watching everything i put in my mouth. I dropped from a TIGHT muffin top 12 pair of jeans to a 'OMG they're so baggy I can pants myself!' So I went to find new pants... I had to give myself the "it's ok if they don't…
  • Great post! Thanks! That seems to be what has been the right way for my progress all along - get up and move and eat the good stuff (which is, usually, low in calorie anyway)!
  • If you can find the Fourty Spice Hummus by Tribe - it's really flavorful! 2 Tbs = 100 cal, so not bad. Also, the Safeway Brand "Eating Right" has an Artichoke Hummus that's only 35 cal for 2 Tbs.
  • LOVE the idea of the feta and spinach - I use balsamic vinegar on my salads - tons of flavor!
  • Finally! I've been on MFP since November and was thinking no one else out there was 'breaking the rules' by eating under their 1200 cal limit... I've been eating well under 1000 calories a day for 4 months now, started walking everywhere and I've lost 35 lbs so far - no depravation, no pain, no fatigue... it just seems to…