

  • I wish I had a punching bag, we got to use those back when I did Taekwondo; they're a lot of fun. Not everyone needs to exercise so much. I just know that I personally saw naff-all progress without exercising, so now I try and burn up around 400 calories a day at the minimum.
  • Fair enough. I've had to force myself into a routine, or I'd have never done anything. I have a step-machine thingy at home, but I never had the motivation to use it. Now I'm paying for a gym membership though, I've been able to force myself into doing it. xD
  • (arg! can't believe I forgot about this place!) Hmm...my worst thing is probably processed meat stuff, pasties, pies etc. I just get HORRIBLE meaty cravings and grab one of them, then I feel like a bad person. I really need to get to eating Apples and Oranges more. I like the taste of both, but the texture has always put…
  • I really need to actually find a decent set of scales and do a weigh-in, its not really very good having "0lb lost" on every post I make, haha.
  • Hello! Blurgh, I just had a birthday long-weekend full of waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much food and drink. Time to get back on it!
  • "Wow Zephy, I just noticed that typo. Thanks. I'll fix it right now. " Haha, no problem. I find pony songs help a lot too. I have a Gym playlist full of the most high tempo ones; helps me keep my pace up and stops me getting bored. ...I do have to resist the urge to start singing them though. XD
  • Nice to see this place filling up, maybe the admin could fix the typo in the name now its getting a bit of popularity ;)
  • CCorinne: Sounds like a great plan; far better than mine. Good luck with it! I want to be able to do a DJ PON-3 cosplay by March. Should be fine; ponies aren't perfectly slim when stood up anyway :p oysterzilla: Similar thing hapened to me. I've not had the time to cook decent food since leaving University, but Ive found…
  • Hey! How's everypony doing? This is rather convenient timing for me, I just started doing the whole fitness malarky at my local gym. What's everypony's plan, how are you all planning to succeed? Personally I'm hitting the gym 3-4 times a week, for 30mins cardio a time (I'm a noob, I die of fat-death if I do any more) and…