

  • I do walk every day. I have a dog so if he doesn't get at least an hour walk every night I feel guilty and he is bouncing off the walls. I also do a five minute warm up and cool down. I mostly do static stretches before and after so I will definitely start doing more dynamic stretches before hand to get my muscles warmed…
  • I go off of how I feel.
  • Holy cow! You have the cutest dog on the face of the planet.
  • Thank you so much for all of the advise and inspiration! I have the C25K app and never used it. I think I will definitely start there. I ran again today, but didn't quite make it as far because my legs were still tired from yesterday. Haha. But I will keep at it and maybe slow down a bit and start at the beginning of the…
  • Amazing! You are an inspiration to me. I just finished the 2nd week of month 1 and have been a little discouraged. I feel myself building cardio endurance and pushing myself harder as I get stronger, but I haven't had any changes on the scale or my measurements. You give me hope and motivation. You have smoothed out A LOT…
  • Thanks for all the info everyone! I've been trying to eat more theist few days. It's hard cuz I feel like a stuffed sausage since I was already eating til I was full at 1500. I'm trying to spread the food across the day instead of in 3 or 4 meals. Let me know if you have more advice
  • Angelina: Thanks for the info. What kind of exercise do you do and how often? Thanks for the comparison also.
  • So you haven't been losing weight at the level you're eating. Why not give the 1950 a go. You may just be surprised to find that the pounds do start to drop off. Just to give you a comparison - I'm also 5'4", nearly twice your age at 43 and have lost most of my weight eating around 1800-1900 gross calories per day. Every…
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