dbrakora Member


  • I have moved to tracking on my phone over the computer because I think it has a better list/organization of frequently used items. I find it much more straight forward on the mobile apps.
  • Keep at it and don't give up. The scale will move in time. You are doing the two most important things you need to be doing to lose fat, eating fewer calories and lifting weights. I would suggest trying to increase your activity (don't think more cardio) Go for 2 or 3 short 10 minute walks during the day at work, park…
  • Love your profile picture. I like how the Tshirt becomes a tunic and then essentially becomes a dress! Nice job! Run one for me!
  • I used to only eat Brianna's poppyseed too, it is still a favorite, but have also discovered Litehouse Honey Dijon light in the produce cooler. I like it as much as the poppy seed but it is way less fat etc... Consider trying it!
  • I would like to encourage you to take measurements too! Write them on the back of the picture. There will be times in your Journey when you are not losing weight but still losing inches and being able to identify that will help keep you motivated. Hang in there, someday you will walk by a mirror or mall window, a new…
  • I have a NewBalance N4 that i got at Costco, Target has them too for under $60 and I LOVE it! Can't imagine working out without it.