MarineWife0013 Member


  • I understand how you feel, but you have nothing to worry about. Work out at home til you build up more confidence in yourself. Then hit the gym, and be proud of all the hard work you doing to change. Most people at the gym are too focused on working out themselves anyway to worry about anyone else. :)
  • Hi! Feel free to add me, this is also my second "serious" day on MFP. I am also looking to lose 30-40 pounds, feels overwhelming! I want to fit in all my jeans and shorts from 2 years ago, when I was super healthy, and I want to start running again. I love this site so far, it has been so helpful and motivating. Good luck…
  • Challenge accepted! Let you know how it goes when its completed :bigsmile: I also really appreciate the "at home" challenges... keep em coming!