EnjoyEverything Member


  • I'm right there with you. Lost 30 lbs, ran a marathon, 10 more half marathons and then had a heart attack. Freaked me out, became sedentary, gained the weight back and a few more. 13 months later, I'm starting over, running short distances, lifting some weights.... getting back to being fit. However, I'm not ever going to…
  • Girlfriend, you're beautiful. You always were.
  • This post is sweet. Thanks ladies. I am that guy.
  • I've been running all my life. Run about 100 miles/month now. So here's how to start.. specially if you're not really in 'running shape'. If you have a smartphone, get an app like Cardio Trainer. It's free. It will track your time, distance and calories burned base on weight, speed, distance. If you don't have a…
  • I think it's good to weight yourself every day. Some people disagree. First of all, knowledge is power. It's no different for wrighing oneself. Second, those that say weight goes up and down daily 'cause of water are correct. Yet, they fail to reason that perhaps on your 'weekly' weigh in, that may just be the day your…
  • During my adolescent years, I was the largest kid in school. One day, between grade school and high school, I said to myself, enough is enough. After I got in shape, then in even better shape (drafted into the Army), I never forgot what it was like to be heavy. Sure, there are stretches that the scale goes away, that I let…
  • I'm willing to REDUCE my fast food intake. For me, I need a treat now and then. So my resolution this year is to limit one fast food intake to an ACCEPTABLE level. A Big Mac is not unhealthy. It's all in the calorie count. So here goes. Pizza once every other week, and any fast food every other week. I will not be a slave…
  • There are a couple things that work for me. 1) Exercise more. It adds to the amount you can eat by adjusting your allowable caloric intake. 2) Change the way you eat. Very simple things like, the bread you buy. Most bread is 70 - 85 calories per slice. Sara Lee 45 Calorie Delight is umm, only 45 calories. Make a great…
  • There is more to you're feet than being flat footed (or not). Three of the things you did not mention is your arch, instep and whether you are o r are not an overpronator. If you run a lot like I do, you'll know what I'm talking about. Some real nice shoes are Nike LunarEclipse+ Shield and Mizuno Wave Rider 15. These are…
  • I ran my first mile in June of 2010 after almost 2 weeks of trying (I still have all of my GPS stats). I was sooooo thrilled!.. I went online, got a Runner World subscription and took it from there. Yeah, that's how pumped I was. The object was to then decrease time and have ability to do it over and over again - non stop.…
  • I'll join with you. My goal is to get down to 177 lbs by May 15. I'm 198.8 now. Just joined moments ago and this sounds like it could be very useful and inspiring. ... Bob