


  • EnjoyEverything
    EnjoyEverything Posts: 13 Member
    I've been running all my life. Run about 100 miles/month now. So here's how to start.. specially if you're not really in 'running shape'.

    If you have a smartphone, get an app like Cardio Trainer. It's free. It will track your time, distance and calories burned base on weight, speed, distance.

    If you don't have a Smartphone, then log in your distance and time manually - perhaps on a spreadsheet. Progress is important.

    OK. Now Walk a mile. and time it. Say your first time out is 16 minutes. Next time, do another mile and try to decrease the time by either walking faster and/or jogging at least a block. (continue walking fast afterwards though). Do this each day until you can navigate a mile non-stop - no matter how slowly, just consistently.

    Then increase distance and eventually reduce time. Got the idea?

    Before you know it (in about 3 ~ 4 weeks if you do this 3 or 4 times per/week, you could be doing a mile non-stop in 12 minutes. Shoot for 11 then move to add another mile. Again, by running some, then walking some until you can do the 2 mile run non-stop. increase time, then repeat the above by adding more distance.

    I say you should set a goal. Like a 5 k (3.1 miles) non stop by the end of May.

    You can do this. ... Bob