

  • I about a third of the way to my goal - it's been slow with some flat weeks, but I'm getting there! What I'm really excited about is my running progress - 5k race here I come!
  • Thanks everyone! This is super helpful! Sounds like I will be checking out the Garmin 305 first and also reading up on the site that BuildABetterM suggested. Woohoo -- longer runs here I come! :happy:
  • Yes -- the Couch-to-5K program is great! I'm currently in the middle of it and it's helped me go from zero running experience at all to being able to run for 5-10 minutes stretches at a time! I love it and I'm so proud of my progress :happy: 5K in March here I come!!
  • I am absolutely OBSESSED with Lululemon ( I adore their running and workout clothes! They're pricey, but worth every penny. They wash and wear SO well and the fabrics are amazing. Plus their running and yoga pants somehow manage to make my butt look good haha! They have all these amazing pockets with…
  • I just started the Couch-to-5K a few weeks ago -- signed up for my first 5k in March! It was hard to stick with it at first, but now I'm excited about it. I've never been a runner, but so far so good! Plus I get inspired by the cute running clothes I bought to run in :-) that really helped me get motivated!!
  • Yeah I'm pretty consistently eating them back. Oh well, onward and upward!
  • I will second alease27's post! That recipe is delcious and low-calorie! if you have calories to spare, try it with some tortilla chips as well!
  • I had one day like that this past weekend! I ate a cannoli for dessert after dinner and felt so guilty! But what got me back on track was when I weighed in a few days later and found I had still lost weight because I had been good the rest of the time. So don't get down, just pick back up and keep going! We've all been…
    in Crap. Comment by KPinkBow January 2012
  • I'm in week 3, too. So far so good! I've been running outside and it's getting pretty chilly so I might have to break down and do the treadmill soon...
  • hahaha I love it, thanks for sharing!!
  • I am running the Shamrock 5K in March in Baltimore City -- really excited about it, but a little nervous as this is my first foray into running!
  • Phew! I don't think I'd make it through an entire spinning class! I've just stated running and am doing the Couch-to-5K program. I'm aiming to complete my first 5K in March!
  • I've been eating 1 1/4 cup of Wegman's brand frosted mini wheats with skim milk and it keeps me full for a while due to the high fiber content. Plus they're a little sweet so I feel satisfied! Only 230 calories for everything together!
  • Thanks Terri - I already printed out 3 really great low-calorie slow-cooker recipes!
  • Woohoo!! We can do this!!