

  • 8.5 cute glasses! sexy librarian! hahaha
  • While there's no way to literally make them sit higher toning up the pectoral muscles really helps! Just doing really basic stuff, think push ups, bench press, etc, will strengthen your pecs which are directly under your boobs. They will look lifted and perkier!
  • I try to every day in the morning. I find that by doing so I have a better understanding of my body's weight fluctuations.
  • I googled "comfort starving" and this is the first thing I saw. I thought I'd bump it and see what people had to say now. I'm someone who eats out of boredom, stress, being upset, basically anything that is off putting. I almost want to find a way to train myself to have the opposite reaction. I know that doesn't sound…
  • There are a lot of people, myself included, that could lose 10 pounds and be considered in a healthy weight range. Personally I'd like to get to the place when I'm not only healthy but also confident about the way I look, and from past experience I know around what number that is weight wise. If I like the way that I look…