mamo1014 Member


  • Me! I'm starting tomorrow too! This is probably the 999th Monday I've started and I want it to be the last "starting" Monday I do. I'm 54 and I'm tired of telling people that I used to be skinny....I want to be skinny and say "when I used to be fat". I need support and I'll be a good support buddy too.
  • I'm ashamed to say, I didn't complete this. I started off good, but after my Wednesday Yoga class, my arms and shoulders were so sore...I wimped out. :embarassed: I hope there's another challenge for week 3. I find them challenging and inspiring..I'm really going to try and NOT be a wimp on this next one. Kudos to all of…
  • :grumble: :grumble: I got my 40 done. I'm sure I'm going to feel it tomorrow.
  • Me too...I gained after a good week last week. :grumble: No one's fault but my own so today is a new day and here I go AGAIN...losing the same pounds that I've lost I don't know how many times...Ugh! At least it's just the weekend that I blew it and not to the total challenge. Here we go again!
  • I'm in..I have no upper body strength so this is will be good. Ouch...I can already feel the burn...Ow...ow..ow...
  • Yogurt and coffee...hectic morning today...Ugh!!!!
  • I'm in...I sweets so this will be a major challenge...but I'm going to do it...There are NO sweets in my ice cream, no cookies, no candy...I hope I don't eat my pillow in my sleep!
  • Me three! I got the water and sugar...cardio...I'll get walking in tomorrow and I'll make it brisk walking
  • I'm in..flour and sweets are my biggest go a week without them would be a major accomplishment!
  • Right on! I was in the same boat you are in now...I finally had enough and divorced my jerk husband after 19 years. It turns out he was the insecure one and he was afraid of losing me. Men like your husband and my ex think intimidation is the way to keep a woman. Please don't wait as long as I did (19 years) and 50 pounds…
  • I'm interested too, but it's too cold to run now...I joined a running group 3 years ago and I have the steps to obtain this goal from a real couch potato spud to do and complete a 5K.. If anybody wants this routine, let me know, I'll be glad to share it. It can be done...I did it until I came down with the H1N1 flu two…
  • Count me in...I like your ideas because they are doable.
  • Sandy - I work for Federal Probation and Pretrial Svs. 11 years...before that state judicial government - total 25 years
  • Hi, my name is Sandy. I live in Albuquerque so our weather is totally opposite from where you live! I have yo-yo'd dieted for the past 20 years. I want to lose this weight once and for all. I don't want to use my weight as an excuse for living life. I weigh 209 as of this morning. I want to lose down to 195 at the end of…
  • Can we be triplets??? I haven't found anyone else close to my stats. Age: 53 Height: 5'2" Daily Calorie Goal: 1200 CW: 209 GW (for this challenge): 195 GW (final): 140 I mostly walk. I always fizzle out after two weeks of a structured workout such as Zumba, WII workouts, etc. I like the idea of weekly mini workouts. I've…
  • Hi everybody! I'm excited to join this group too. I'm also going to make 2013 my year to get out of plus size clothing and to quit using my weight as an excuse for not having a social life. I'm going to get my big butt off the sofa and get moving. I haven't taken pictures in forever...if I do, I usually stand behind…
  • I'm on the two shakes a day plan. My problem is I start our really good and then fizzle out. I see people my daughter sells to, so I have to help her out by succeeding on this! It's hard because I love to eat and this is the worst time to try and control my portions and my appitite. But, I said, I'm going to do it so I am.…
  • Hola! I'm here....I was wondering where everybody is too!
  • Hi there! It's easier for me to post at night. I started my Herbalife yesterday and I'm going to do it right this time. My daughter even became a distributor to help me afford I will stick to it this time. I heard a motivational saying today " If you're tired of starting over again, the stop quitting". It was an ah…
  • Hi there...I'm doing ok too. I just found out that my nemesis (sp) at work is now on Herbalife too. She's been working at another office for the last 30 days and will be at the other location until January. I refuse to let her beat me in losing weight. So, I'm using that as an incentive. I don't have any sweets in the…
  • Well, I stayed under my calories...I didn't get my walk in at lunch today. But I have a good excuse...No really, it's a good one. I worked my lunch hour. I'm going to do the same eating tomorrow AND I'll leave the office for my walk. Good luck to all of us. Oh and thanks for those who are joining in this week. I know we…
  • I know exactly how you feel...I've been doing this for 10 years. That's why I've joined this group. I don't need anyone to tell me that I need to be strong, or to refocus, or scold me for eating. Neither do you. You are stopped AND you got on this site to vent. Good for you. Remember, it's one day at a time,…
  • Hi there, my name is Sandy and I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was born and lived in Roswell, NM for 43 years and then moved up here. I'm embarrased about my day..I started my day with my Herbalife protein shake. For lunch, I had a small cheeseburger, 1/2 of the small fries and diet tea. For dinner I had leftover…
  • We all seem to be on the same page as far as cutting back on the flour tortillas. If I try to go cold turkey (mmm turkey and green chili burrito) Just kidding...Anyway, if I try to go cold turkey, I'll end up binging. I know me. I didn't get this shelf butt of mine by self-control. I'm going to try to limit myself to one…
  • it is Monday and I did ok with my eating. I took my lunch to work ( beans with red chili and pork) and I left out the tortillas! Big deal for me. LOL. I'm going to watch my portion size and hopefully I'll be able to control my urge for that second helping. What's going to be hard is we are coming into tamale…
  • Hi there...I got so excited when I saw this new group, you hadn't posted this message yet. Sorry...I'm kind of impatient. Anyway, I just turned 53 and I too love Mexican food. I've got 60 pounds to lose. I got too comfortable in life and ate like I like to do and damned if I didn't wake up fat one morning...LOL...I also…
  • Hi there. I don't have an answer for you..I wish I did...I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone. I have the same problem but what I have done, is try to refocus AND I don't buy my comfort foods after I've eaten everything in the fridge and pantry. I'm trying to walk to the mailbox or around the block when I…
  • I totally agree...we can all do this. I cleaned out part of my closet...I got rid of two bags of clothes and shoes. Today, my goal is to start the other side....I'm laughing to myself because I had my closet stuffed with clothes and shoes and I'm wearing the same ol' thing every week. What an eye opener. :laugh:
  • I also struggle with late night eating. I'm repeating alot of you, but I'm good in the morning, ok at lunch and then down the drain at night. However, tonight I actually did not get my usual $2.40 KFC special chicken fried steak with sides. I donated blood and I knew I was supposed to eat a good meal afterwards. I was in…
  • That's a good idea...I have a closet full of clothes I'm going to "get back into". It's been so darn long they are probably out of You're right about starting over...I'm going to do that tonight when I get home. If I'm going to get rid of the emotional clutter, I need to get rid of all clutter...including those…
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