

  • Personally i don't sweat it. I look it up, and use whats nearest, then add a few cals if you think its to low. Unless your underestimating massively then the net effect for just one meal is negligible. Don't make the mistake of getting overly worried about every entry, you will only end up getting stressed every time you…
  • Just to second everything said here. Weight loss is just not a Linear thing.. I dearly wish it was! You weight loss will fluctuate week to week, and often make no sense at all. There are too many factors involved in your body weight to be able to accurately gauge your exact 'fat loss weight' per week. Its a mixture of Fat…
  • I try to Log my meals for the day when i get up, also taking a very low estimate of the gym work i plan to do that day (which i amend after doing it) I find it easier to stick to my diet if I'm working to a plan and more often than not the psychological effect of having my calories pre set down stops me snacking. I do and…
  • Depriving yourself of anything is the fast road to nowhere if you ask me. It just leaves you with the wrong attitude to your weight loss, a feeling of frustration and resentment. Ive quit nothing during my diet so far - Beer, Cake, Pizza .. You just have to follow the golden rule - Moderation. Less of it and less regularly…
  • A little rant now and then is good for the soul. My scale does that sometimes. I just shrug, put it to one side and come back to it in a few days. Ive learned over the last 6 months not to sweat it as i know gaining that much overnight is highly unlikely without having a Man Vs Food type binge. More often than not its just…
  • Target of 70lbs to loose , started at Christmas. Generally been losing 0.5 - 1.5lb a week. Couple of 0 loss weeks and just the 1 annoying Plateau of about 4 weeks so far. Working out 6 times a week 30-90 minute sessions, Mixture of Cardio and Resistance training (emphasis on resistance). Not doing anything that isn't…