shushu10 Member


  • I get in at least 30 mins of radio 5-6 times a week and 3-4 times a week I focus on my lower half (leg presses, squats, lunges, scissor kicks etc..) to add muscle and mass to my lower half to balance everything out. I'm definitely seeing positive results in myself :)
  • I'm currently using Jack3d (Tropical Punch) and it's my favourite pre workout supplement yet. It's been great for pump + focus if you're doing weights. I don't mind the feeling while I'm doing cardio but it took me about a week to get over the tingly feeling.
  • I definitely can't handle breakfast either (the suggested 300-600cal meal), it typically makes me groggy and hungrier earlier as well. Although, I found that I like having a healthy breakfast bar in the morning with my coffee. A little sugar pick-me-up to fuel me right for the morning.
  • I've just started doing The Butt Bible after reading positive reviews on this forum. I also am pretty attentive of how I use the elliptical (push down on my heels and switching directions). Along with some machines every once in a while.. I've been seeing results :)