

  • Well said! Couldn't have said it better myself!!! People need to motivate NOT humiliate... no one knows another's situation.
  • Absolutely right! It is ok to have comfort food and splurge sometimes.. that is life! The long term journey is not letting one bad day turn into three or four bad days... I allow myself to eat what I want one day on the weekend... (not go crazy though) . Thanks for your post!
  • I couldn't agree more! I just want to eventually get there and say for the first time in my life that I ran a 5k without stopping!
    in C25K Comment by cmckay27 February 2012
  • Just finished Week 4 day 2... I must say I had a better run today.. able to complete all the runs without stopping! Better than yesterday... the half mile the first time was brutal but somehow managed to pull through... I must say I am proud of myself! Looking at week 5 is too scary to imagine.. I can barely run the two…
    in C25K Comment by cmckay27 February 2012
  • That is awesome!!!! It all seems unbelievable to me.... I have never ran in my life... when it's over I do feel good and energized!
    in C25K Comment by cmckay27 February 2012
  • in C25K Comment by cmckay27 February 2012
  • wow! Can't say that I enjoy it right now! I am just following the free running plan.. I don't use music or anything just a watch. Need to get some music and apps on my phone and maybe the distraction will help. Right now I just jog until I have either reached my distance or time....
    in C25K Comment by cmckay27 February 2012
  • Sounds yummy! Will try that and it's loaded with protein!!!
  • protein of course but higher in calories.... I try to make the bulk of my lunch and or dinner a high protein product... It's the snacks throughout the day that are hard b/ c you can easily overshoot your goal.... I reach for an apple or any raw veggie when I feel like nibbling throughout the day. It helps. But the protein…