
Just finished Week 4 day 1... uuugh.. brutal to run half a mile 2 times without stopping... anyone else trying to run and following the plan?


  • kiwi1003
    kiwi1003 Posts: 54 Member
    The increases in these 4-6 weeks are crazy-hard, but you can do it! I did it, and would walk if I ABSOLUTELY had to, but the runs got easier and I still run now 3 times a week (at least 5k per run)... I finished C25k in November and am training for a marathon relay (6.5 mi) in April. Good luck, you can do it :)
  • dalygirl_2010
    I JUST started the C25k, like yesterday, and I am really worried about those weeks, so keep me updated... I just hope I can keep up...
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I did the plan over a year ago and now I run 3 to 4 miles on an average day. Awesome program!
  • soriadarkstar
    I just finished Week 4, but I definitely can't make half a mile in it. I'm running for time, rather than distance-- still pretty brutal, but easier for me to tone back the pace a bit. If you're having trouble doing the distance aspect, you can try for time to build your endurance, and then go back and work on speed later.
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I completed the C25K program not too long ago. Keep in mind that running is almost 99 percent MENTAL!!!! If you have followed the program as written, you are totally ready for it!!! Just last week, I hit the 5 mile mark and am working on the Bridge to 10k. It helps if you follow Carli's Couch to 5k podcasts...she tells you when to run and when to walk AND the music will keep you motivated. If you dont have any idea on what I'm talking about, message me and I can give you details. HAng in there...you can do it!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    It seems brutal now, but you will get used to it and one day it will seem like nothing to run for half a mile without stopping. I finished C25K in September and my first 10K race is in a couple of weeks. C25K is one of the best things I've ever done - keep going, you might even start enjoying it! :tongue:
  • cmckay27
    wow! Can't say that I enjoy it right now! I am just following the free running plan.. I don't use music or anything just a watch. Need to get some music and apps on my phone and maybe the distraction will help. Right now I just jog until I have either reached my distance or time....
  • cmckay27
    I completed the C25K program not too long ago. Keep in mind that running is almost 99 percent MENTAL!!!! If you have followed the program as written, you are totally ready for it!!! Just last week, I hit the 5 mile mark and am working on the Bridge to 10k. It helps if you follow Carli's Couch to 5k podcasts...she tells you when to run and when to walk AND the music will keep you motivated. If you dont have any idea on what I'm talking about, message me and I can give you details. HAng in there...you can do it!
  • cmckay27
    That is awesome!!!! It all seems unbelievable to me.... I have never ran in my life... when it's over I do feel good and energized!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I used the Get Running app for C25K, the voiceover is nice and encouraging and you can have your own music on too, it just fades when the nice lady is speaking to you :wink: . It's fairly cheap but there are some free ones.
    Then I used Bridge to 10K by Bluefin - much less voiceover but a good app and it has a GPS built in and running journal, plus a distance run you can set if you want to go a particular distance and it will just count down the miles. Just sayin' in case you need it for the future :glasses:
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Definitely get the app! It's great to hear your interval times, etc. I just run "my" station on Pandora in the background and I am loving it ! I just finished week one, so hopefully, I'll continue to love it ;)
  • kiwi1003
    kiwi1003 Posts: 54 Member
    Definitely get the app, it will help 100%. And in my opinion, time is better than distance for working up your endurance.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    A running friend of mine, that directed me to c25k for learning to run told me it's okay to repeat weeks if you need to. The goal for me is to get there. No matter how long it takes!

    It's a great program, but I had to stop for medical reasons. Hoping to start again next week or the following one!
  • cmckay27
    Just finished Week 4 day 2... I must say I had a better run today.. able to complete all the runs without stopping! Better than yesterday... the half mile the first time was brutal but somehow managed to pull through... I must say I am proud of myself! Looking at week 5 is too scary to imagine.. I can barely run the two half mile runs and can't even fathom week 5 day 3 of running 20 minutes without stopping... may have to stay on week 4 for awhile... I just get so winded!
  • cmckay27
    A running friend of mine, that directed me to c25k for learning to run told me it's okay to repeat weeks if you need to. The goal for me is to get there. No matter how long it takes!

    It's a great program, but I had to stop for medical reasons. Hoping to start again next week or the following one!

    I couldn't agree more! I just want to eventually get there and say for the first time in my life that I ran a 5k without stopping!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Looking at week 5 is too scary to imagine.. I can barely run the two half mile runs and can't even fathom week 5 day 3 of running 20 minutes without stopping... may have to stay on week 4 for awhile... I just get so winded!

    Well, if you're going to run a 5K without stopping you will have to do the 20-minute run...unless you can run 5K in less than 20 minutes (wish I could!) :happy:
    I found W5D2 harder than W5D3 - I don't know why, possibly because I was so convinced that the 20-minute run would be incredibly hard - and actually it was fine.