weekends are my downfall!!

so, iv been out all weekend, and iv had a pretty poor diet intake this weekend, but i wont let it get me down, il be back on the wagon tomorrow :) anyone else struggle at weekends, and any tips on how to enjoy weekends without over indulging? thanks everyone :-)


  • I agree! I do so well during the week and not so good on the weekends.
    What I have been doing lately (and it seems to be working ok) is choosing a day to splurge a little. I weigh in on Friday mornings so it's usually Friday. I might have coffee from a coffee shop or a 300 calorie breakfast from McDonad's or have something in the evening. On Saturday and Sunday I think about how I have alreay indulged and helps keep me on track. I have also heard about people waiting to weigh in on Monday mornings to help keep them on track for the weekends.
    You can do it, just find something that works for you. This weekend was not good for me at all. I am trying to get back on track today!
  • Lucyb8585
    Lucyb8585 Posts: 26 Member
    thanks for that :) i used to be out every weekend and diets didnt exist on weekends, but im a bit more rserved now :) my weigh in days will be on a thursday, so saturdays i think i will have as my 'indulge' day as thats the day i usually go out of a weekend if i have plans :) good luck to you, and thanks agan :) x
  • nhughes1864
    nhughes1864 Posts: 102 Member
    Sometimes I take the weekend off, I don't go hog wild but I'm not as strict with myself as I am during the week. I figure I do well all week and everyone needs a splurge day. The splurge days were a lot worse calorie wise when I first started than they are now. One or two days a week won't kill you if you are good the other 5 or 6 days.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    Weekends aren't good for me...I didn't even complete my food diary yesterday! I did work-out, but splurged on sweets. I just have to realize this is how it will be some days and adjust accordingly! Today is better, although the night is still ahead of me. It's espcially hard when I'm home all weekend, and with funds a little low right now I tend to stay home- need to clean my cabinets of some of the bad choices so they aren't there tempting me.
  • Tupeloblossom
    Tupeloblossom Posts: 142 Member
    Weekends are hard for me too. I usually dont work out cause I am busy doing other things and I tend to graze and not think about what I am eating. Guess I am going to have to plan ahead.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I allow myself to have cheat meals on the weekends. I think it helps spike my metabolism and keep me from being deprived.

    You can't expect yourself to be perfect everyday. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. And having days like that help you learn how it will be once you reach your goal weight :)
  • I have the problem eating all my calories. I tend to sleep late so I am to late for breakfast
  • rebeccawalker1982
    rebeccawalker1982 Posts: 117 Member
    My husbands days off are bad for me (Mon-Wed). We usually end up going out to eat at least once and living in a small town, we have chilis, and 2 steak houses. Not many "good" choices there unless I want salad all the time. Needless to say I have started trying to cook what we would have for dinner earlier and having it for lunch insted. This is helping to not eat so much at night and I am able to go for a night walk alone (stay at home mom of 7 1/2 month old....I need alone time!) I weigh every morning even though I know it may be different each day by a little but it helps me keep my mind on track....If I see it go up more than 1/2 lb than the day before, I tend to work harder on eating better that day and drinking more water that day.
  • Darklight464
    Darklight464 Posts: 21 Member
    thank you for putting this on...I was just feeling guilty cos I have just had a really bad eating day today...I don't usually work out at weekends - thinking 5 days a week is enough and it's just so difficult to get to the gym on a weekend. Glad I am not alone in this!
  • our trick is to get much more activity in on the weekends so we can have a little more. Also try to balance out your 'badness'. i.e. only have the big breakfast on either Sat or Sun rather than both days. However, the more healthy you eat and more active you are during the week; splurging on the weekends will be less palatable and you won't feel as good. Case in point, my fiance went out for wings on Friday with his coworkers and at the gym that evening he felt awful! He still feels it a bit today so I don't think wings will be on the menu any time soon. overall, the progress won't be as fast as if you were good every day but then again we do have to live a little and enjoy life too!
  • I weigh every morning even though I know it may be different each day by a little but it helps me keep my mind on track....If I see it go up more than 1/2 lb than the day before, I tend to work harder on eating better that day and drinking more water that day.

    Haha I do the same thing! I was always told you shouldn't weight yourself more than once a week, but I just ignore that :)
    I understand that there are normal fluctuations, so I don't take what I see on the scale too seriously, but it helps me to check in. Reminds me of what I'm working for and keeps me on track for the rest of the day.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I agree! I have been doing really well for 2 months but the weekends still mess me up for a variety of reasons. Let's make a pact not to fall into this trip next weekend?

    I have a birthday party to attend (had 3 this weekend that really messed me up) but I think my plan to help me this weekend just didn't work so I need a better plan for next weekend. This Friday I did work out before the bday dinner (thankfully) I also kept my breakfast and lunch light, which is I guess why I went overboard at dinner. One bite of sweets just doesn't work for me. I also didn't work out saturday. Today I am at in-laws and eating what is here, I did walk but will work out more when I get home. Salad for dinner. Next weekend will work out more. Good luck to us both!
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I make Sunday my Sinday. But i do track the calories. Sometimes knowing that you have free rein to eat pretty much whatever you want one day a week takes the pressure off.

    Most Sindays I have a 1000 calorie breakfast which pretty much carries me for the duration of the day. Even when I plan on cheating I usually come under my calorie in take for the day.

    However the exact opposite happens when I micro manage my calories, I usually end up going over and all I think about is food. All day long!!! Must be a mind game thing.

    Used to be when I smoked, when I knew I couldn't have a cigerette it would drive me crazy, but when I knew that I could have one, it didn't bother me. Mind games eh!
  • Thank you so much for posting! Weekends are my biggest downfall as well. With the kids and husband home and someone always eating or wanting something, it is so hard to stay strong. We try to have a family movie night and even just the popcorn or icecream is so hard. I have been doing good just having a small helping but then once I eat something I want to eat even more. I was doing good for so long but then since the Holidays every week is the same. I push hard and do great during the week and then the weekend comes and I blow it. I just want to be able to enjoy all that I have accomplished so far without stressing out over the last 10 pounds.
  • I struggle at weekends too! My problem is being away from home most weekends - visiting family and friends. When someone else cooks or we eat out, it's difficult to keep track. Also find it hard to not drink alcohol when I'm out with friends. A day's calories can go on 5 drinks!!
    With the weather being so rubbish, I don't really feel like working out at the moment so I have to keep track of my cals closely. My friend and I have joined a gym which opens soon so hopefully will kick it up a notch soon. For now I am happyish to maintain x
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Weekend + being in a foreign city = oh god what happened

    This weekend, for instance, I've eaten almost nothing but carbs. And far too much cheese. (Cottage-cheese pancakes are f*cking delicious, and there ain't no such thing as "low-fat" sour cream here in Russia, where sour cream is a standard topping for basically everything.) Y'all are not alone, but you're all doing much better than I am. So, uh, take heart?

    I'm hoping the 4 moderately-intense, 10-minute walks, in usually-subzero weather, I have to take as part of my commute will help balance the fact that this country is in love with bread and potatoes as much as I am. Because going outside specifically to exercise is a bad idea on a number of levels, and it's hard to do much cardio or even body-weight in a tiny apartment that I have to share with 4 other people.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    I have the problem eating all my calories. I tend to sleep late so I am to late for breakfast

    I do this all of the time! But I try to eat at least toast or some fruit and waiting at least an hour before i eat my "actual lunch"
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    our trick is to get much more activity in on the weekends so we can have a little more. Also try to balance out your 'badness'. i.e. only have the big breakfast on either Sat or Sun rather than both days. However, the more healthy you eat and more active you are during the week; splurging on the weekends will be less palatable and you won't feel as good.

    I agree with this. This is pretty much my strategy too.
  • I allow myself to have cheat meals on the weekends. I think it helps spike my metabolism and keep me from being deprived.

    You can't expect yourself to be perfect everyday. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. And having days like that help you learn how it will be once you reach your goal weight :)

    Absolutely right! It is ok to have comfort food and splurge sometimes.. that is life! The long term journey is not letting one bad day turn into three or four bad days... I allow myself to eat what I want one day on the weekend... (not go crazy though) . Thanks for your post!
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I used to be the same way. If we go to friends homes or do any birthday parties and such it's always a weekend. My weigh in day was originally on a Monday. I changed it to Friday due to this. Felt then I had all week to burn it off. But I realized maybe that wasn't the right way to think and that i just needed to make better choices when out instead of saying that the weekends were basically cheat days and I'd make up for it during the week. I felt that wasn't gonna get me anywhere. So I decided to change my weigh in day back to Monday. It has actually helped me to make better choices on the weekends too and not just during the week. Because I know have the mentality that Have have to do good on the weekend in order to have a great weigh in on Monday. I don't deny myself though. I still do what I want, but I have learned to drink lighter beer and a if I want cake to just get a small piece and if we have a finger food type party, just to eat a little bit and not overdue it. Good Luck and do what is best for you!