

  • Hey, good luck! :) What are you doing to train? Seems like that would count for plenty of steps! I have not been using my pedometer, either, but instead am aiming for 20-30 min of walking each day.
  • Thanks for your post! I've been in a rut lately, and it helps to read something so inspiring.
  • I did go to the mall one day, so that helped! I should check into the early walks before the mall opens if the weather gets bad again. The last few days, it has cleared up, which has been nice. :)
    in hello Comment by mpoet January 2012
  • That's awesome! I have yet to break 10,000, but I am increasing my daily average, so that's something.
  • I am in Seattle. So we are not as chilly as Wisconsin! But we have had a wet, windy, and even snowy winter (we don't always get snow!). I want to try to keep walking outdoors most of the time as the fresh air makes me feel good, too, but I do think I may need to squeeze in a few indoor walks. I don't know if we have a YMCA…
    in hello Comment by mpoet January 2012