arlysmaekuehn Member


  • I haven't thought about it that way. Thanks for the insight
  • You already made it to the 1st step - AWARENESS! You can change things every minute, every hour or every day. You can re-start your day at any time. I was just reading an article that said in part, if you are eating a quart of ice cream and start feeling aware that you shouldn't be - put the ice cream away and grab…
  • Every day, every hour, every moment can be a new start. If you weren't able to get back on track this morning there is still tomorrow, tonight or right now! Pick up a glass of water or a piece of fruit and start to change things. Plan your dinner and make it your healthy eating. Most importantly don't kick yourself - we…
  • I learned a long time ago that when I choose to share something with someone, I try to keep it in the "I". "I have tried this..."; "I don't do this beccause..."; "I have been successful at ...". People are less offended if they don't feel like you are "telling them what to do". I try to keep the conversation light unless…
  • I can identify with you situation. Last year I gave up all breads and anything of the like for Lent. What I did after Easter was tell myself that I did it and it helped so I should continue, "just for today". Helped most of the time. It is something to try. Good Luck!
  • Hi there: Welcome to MyFitnessPal. I have been doing this for about 7 months. It is fantastic to be able to look back and see where you have come from. That is one thing to remember, when I am discouraged or having a bad day, I try to look back and remember where I was and it helps me to stay on track and keep going. I am…