

  • Add me! I need new friends as well :)
  • That is similar to my story! I have lost 25 lbs in the past but gained it back +20lbs. I followed the south beach diet for 2 months, lost 0 pounds. I followed the Atkins diet and ended up gaining weight. I followed a vegan diet, lost no weight, also the slim fast diet and that somewhat worked but not much. It has been very…
  • Thank you very much :)
  • For me eating even something healthy makes me feel bad. Typically the only time I feel happy about my diet is when I don't eat. And when I feel worse, I eat more, when I eat more, I feel worse. Its a tough cycle to break. Though keeping my mind busy and sometimes out of the house helps a lot. Because binge eating is a…
  • You welcome! :D Also it seems to be harder to stop binge eating rather than stop smoking or drugs. Because our body needs food to survive, so of course we will always be eating, as for smoking and drugs you can drop that completely. Therapy can help, sometimes what I do is have nicotine gum or nasal decongestant pills.…
  • I'm a binge eater too! A lot of people don't see it as a food disorder such as bulimia and anorexia but it can be. Recently I barely ate anything for 4 days, and the past 3 days I'll eat a lot a lot of food. It is annoying but a habit and addictive. It is true you can get high off of food and need your fix. I agree with…