Jennhaley6 Member


  • Have you tried a "zig-zag" daily calorie cycle? Where you eat different amounts of calories to throw your body off a plateau. You can find a calculator at My husband does this as a body builder to build leaner muscle and lower body fat percentage.
  • If you're having a hard time finding it, try looking for the shelf stable version. Sometimes I can't find the unsweetened vanilla in the refrigerated section, but I can usually find on the shelf!
  • Many published dieticians will tell you to eat by the 80/20 rule. Try your hardest to eat super healthy 80 percent of the time. So I'd say gummy bears could be part of your 20. And the other thing I do is give myself that 20, then throw the rest away. Because tomorrow I will crave them again. But that's me, I'm a creature…