Help! Intense gummi bear craving

I have a bag of gummi bears I havn't opened since easter. Although I am still 200 under my calorie goal, my dinner was pretty bad with sodium and fat, so I think I should leave those calories alone. I think this is the worst craving I have had since I started here. Strangely no chocolate cravings, I used to love chocolate. What do you all do to deal with these cravings?


  • res119
    res119 Posts: 27
    Cravings are so tough! What I do is try my best to stay within my macros. I'm not sure if gummy bears have sodium and fat, but I don't think they do. Plug them into your food diary and see if you'd still be within your daily goals. If so, go for it! You're allowed to treat yourself every once in a while. If not, seeing those red numbers usually help me to realize I shouldn't do it. There's just something about those red numbers! If you choose not to eat them first of all good for you! And also, just a generic answer, go for the piece of fruit or something else that won't put you over.

    Hope this helped! Good luck!
  • jemrie
    jemrie Posts: 25
    Just looked at the calories and they were 130 for five gummi bears. My gosh, I used to down a bag in one sitting. Yikes! Nope I will wait and reserve these for another day because I just don't believe I will want to stop at five.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    Wow, what gummi bears do you like? I get the Haribo and there are about 140 calories in 17 pieces (approximately). I like to get a bag and then portion them out so I can grab a serving when I'm in the mood for them.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Just make yourself some jello.
  • jemrie
    jemrie Posts: 25
    Whoops, just read it again I can have 15 for 130, thats much better. I read servings per container. Still I think I need to just let it go, I already brushed my teeth anyway.
  • Rocksiren
    Rocksiren Posts: 9 Member
    Do what I do- eat the craving! Youll get over it, and youll hopefully be sated. I don't pay too much attention to the #'s in individual categories here. A bowl of yogurt and fat free coffee sweetener for breakfast and Im usually over my sugars right away, lol.
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    I used to sit down and eat several servings at a time of (insert whatever junk I had on hand). I haven't done that since I started on MFP and being serious about the gym about two months ago. I don't know what has done it for me, but I know I have been eating a lot of protein and I think that's helped keep away the munchies. I have also been filling up with veggies and getting at least two fruits in every day, which I never used to bother with. I also have some snacks on hand so that if I get a craving (and if I have the calories) I can indulge without over-doing. I'll have ONE serving of baked potato chips or three or four Hershey's kisses. (Who am I??? lol) This is what has been working for me so far, hope that helps. Good luck! You got this!
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    LoL that's funny - a lot of times I will brush my teeth just to keep myself from eating anything else for the day when I know I'm not hungry!
  • jemrie
    jemrie Posts: 25
    Ok apparently brushing my teeth wasn't enough of a deterrent. I ended up eating a serving. Well at least I am still under my calorie goal. It was delicious and I feel much better now.
  • barb1241
    barb1241 Posts: 324 Member
    Why not just go ahead and eat them if they fit into your calories? And put the rest of them in the freezer. Even if it doesn't stop you from eating them, it will slow you down if they are frozen. Sometimes, just having something that you crave is the way to end the craving. As long as you don't eat a whole bag.
  • Jennhaley6
    Jennhaley6 Posts: 3 Member
    Many published dieticians will tell you to eat by the 80/20 rule. Try your hardest to eat super healthy 80 percent of the time. So I'd say gummy bears could be part of your 20. And the other thing I do is give myself that 20, then throw the rest away. Because tomorrow I will crave them again. But that's me, I'm a creature of habit. Especially cravings at night! =/
  • jemrie
    jemrie Posts: 25
    Putting them in the freezer is a great idea! Just did that. Thanks.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    If you want the gummi bears so bad that you posted about it on the internet, you should have a few.
    If you don't how long can you hold out not eating them? 2 days, a week. Then what? you are just going to binge on them because you haven't had a healthy relationship with gummi bears.

  • jemrie
    jemrie Posts: 25
    LOL! You make a good point, I do want to have a healthy relationship with gummi bears.