fitnessfashionista17 Member


  • Mix unsweetened cocoa powder into oatmeal or have the super thin squares of chocolate from lindt, you can even have a couple of them at a time.
  • I'm 5'7, currently 124 and trying to get down to about 110-115, I'll see when I get there :)
  • You can dip them in hummus or greek yogurt or even make a soup with water and vegetables and add spices that you like eating so the soup will taste like the spices more than vegetables. Also you could juice your vegetables, it would be easier to eat and you can easily drink up 4-5 servings of veggies in a tall cup of…
  • blend it with strawberries (or blackberries/raspberries) and you have a healthier version of strawberry greek yogurt or add skim milk with it and strawberries into the blender and you have a protein smoothie without protein powder I also sometimes mix it into oatmeal as a low carb alternative to milk I haven't tried this…
  • I don't think there is a specific time that you have to stop eating, but if you stop 3 hours before bed, you will sleep a lot better. I usually brush my teeth once I am done eating for the day so that everything tastes weird after that and I won't want to eat. But for weightloss I don't think there is any reason to stop…
  • eat brown rice, quinoa or beans instead. And if you need extra calories you should have almonds or walnuts or some other type of nut.
  • 5 large leaves of kale 1/4 of a small pineapple 1 cucumber 1 inch of ginger 5 mint leaves
  • Try doing POP Pilates. If you search it on Youtube there are tons of 10-15 minute videos to choose from, I think there is even a beginners exercise routine there. I usually do 4-5 of them to make one hour of excersice but you can start with one and add more when you feel ready. All you need for most of the routines is a…
  • I'm 5'7 and trying to get down to 110-115 Everyone has a different frame size and you will know what looks good on you once you reach it :)
  • First of all I drink green tea because I actually like the taste of it and it has a good amount of caffeine, because caffeine affects me a lot so i try to limit it, but still enjoy atleast one or two cups most days Benefits: increases your metabolism a little bit with every cup you drink per day Has antioxidants Gives you…
  • You can still lose weight eating carbs, just make sure 90% or more of the carbs your eat are good for you. I don't limit my carbs at all, but I try to eat protein so I just happen to not eat as many carbs because I am not hungry. Try eating beans, quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal and fruit as your main high carb foods. All of…
  • I'm trying to eat more protein so I eat around 100 per day.
  • that's strange because whenever I have eggs, I always feel really full for the rest of the day, but I only eat egg whites or I get sick. I would say eat something that is really low calorie but filling. I really like cucumbers and salsa, even if you ate the whole cucumber and 5 tbsps of salsa, thats only 70 calories, but…
  • I usually do: 1/2 cup of coconut water 2 handfuls of spinach 1/2 cup of blueberries scoop of vegan proteins + vanilla protein powder so good and I sometimes do mango instead of blueberries but thats really high carb
  • Try eating more natural foods like: Whole grains (quinoa, brown rice, wheat berrys, whole grain bread) Fruits and vegetables, eat as mush as you want of these, they are really low calorie and won't make you gain weight lean protein sources (chicken, turkey, fish, shrimps, greek yogurt, beans (fairly high carb though) and…
  • It depends how often you would like to eat. I always eat a large breakfast, then a smaller lunch and dinner and sometimes include snacks. If you don't like snacks, you can just increase the portions of your other meals Pick one thing from each meal below (1 breakfast, 1 lunch, 1 dinner, 2 snacks) Breakfast ideas:…