beccab84 Member


  • Congrats and welcome to the online version of My Fitness Pal!!!! I would love to help you in anyway I can and motivate and encourage you along the way!! Just shot me a message or email me ( Look forward tp hearing from you!!
    in Hello! Comment by beccab84 August 2011
  • CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO!!!! You can do all the situps in the world but if you don't lose belly fat you will never see your abs. Have you ever thought about trying Isanity? It's a high cardio and resistance program. It is AMAZING!!!! I am going on my third week and I can already tell a difference in my body. I am so excited to…
  • I would definitly recommend not going below 1200 calories. That is still really low but going below that is harmful. Even at 1200 calories you may start to see your weight loss hinder at some point. If you body isn't getting enough calories it decides to put itself into starvation mode and refuses to burn anything. I do…
  • I have actually been wondering the same thing. I have a bodybugg and with "pure cardio" it puts me at a little over 300 calories. But I'm seriously dripping with sweat and feel like I'm gonna die. The only thing I could think is that interval training helps you burn more calories throughout the day. So maybe the actual…
  • Yay!!! Welcome!!! This site is amazing. I use it everyday. Let me know if you need help with anything!! Ps I love zumba also!!!
    in I'm New!! Comment by beccab84 April 2011
  • What works for me is to just get up and do it. Once I start I usually fid the motivation.
  • P90x is awesome!!!