amijo08 Member


  • Watch the meals you eat prior to going to the buffett. Eat lighter at breakfast and lunch. Try a very low calorie lunch, perhaps fresh veggies for lunch and save the bulk of your calories for dinner. This is what weight watchers always used to suggest....>Don't fill up on empty calories candy, cakes, etc.
    in Buffet help Comment by amijo08 July 2009
  • This can usually be controlled with diet and exercise, but also genetics can play a big role in high triglyceride levels along with high cholesterol levels. Is there a history of these things in your family? I know a gentleman who is 50, weighs 130 pounds and is 5'5" (small stature) but his triglycerides were out the roof.…
  • Great.....Thanks to both of you. I love kettle corn and fruit!!!!!
  • Hey all! I find myself wanting to snack on something sweet at night time. Any recipe ideas that are low in fat and calories? I am getting burned out on 60 calorie pudding cups and low fat ice cream. Thanks,