RandomA1 Member


  • Another thing to note is that for sugar, MFP does not differentiate between foods with added sugar and foods with naturally occurring sugar (i.e. fruits). Your sugar levels are probably always going to be high if you're eating a signifuicant amount of fruit while tracking on MFP and that's not a bad thing. I know that a…
  • Thank you very much, jpkrueger!
  • I just started yesterday and am already making rookie mistakes lol. Oops! I didn't consult the eating plan and just assumed that regular peas would be categorized as a "green" but it's actually a "yellow". The portion seemed huge but I just went with it until I Googled it a few minutes. The portion I ate yesterday and…
  • I don't think it's weird but other people do: I like sweet and savory together so I put a little maple syrup on my scrambled/hardboiled eggs sometimes. It's delicious! lol I do the same for the rare occasions that I eat home fries.
  • This for me. There are some foods that I can have in the house and be perfectly fine eating in moderation. But then there are other foods that I love and will eat them all up in 1 or 2 days :| (when they should last more like a week). For that reason, I don't typically keep sweets or snacks in my apartment. If I get a…
  • It's been pretty hard for me lately but I stuck to my caloric goal today so yay! I'm trying to get in the routine of going to the gym and planned to go today but got stuck shoveling for over an hour. It was a pretty strenuous workout though and my arms were dead by the end lol.
  • I went to the gym for the first time in a month and it felt pretty good. I'm going to try to make it a habit since it's quite a struggle for me. I did well with my meals as far as eating healthy except for the snacks. Was craving sugar like whoa lol so hopefully as I continue working on my eating habits, the sugar cravings…
  • Hi everyone. My name is Alondra. I lost about 50lbs during 2008/2009, kept it off for 3 years, but then gained it all back and a little more when my lifestyle and job changed. The weight loss was so easy for me then: I just cut down on my portions and it fell right (probably because I was living in the city and had to walk…
  • My story isn't nearly as bad as a lot of stories on here but I figured I'd share anyway lol. This guy messaged me on POF about a year ago. We messaged on the site, started texting, and had a couple phone conversations before finally deciding to meet up the day before Valentine's day last year. During our phone…
  • Oh yes, it's 10 times for guys for sure so I shouldn't complain too much. I don't think I'd be able to do online dating if I was a guy because I don't think I'd be able to deal with the lack of replies.
  • I agree. My old coworker convinced me to try Tinder last year since a few of her friends had success finding relationships with it. I've used it on and off and met up with a guy from it 1 time. The date went ok but there wasn't a spark. I found Tinder to not be right for me because I'm definitely looking for a relationship…
  • Very frustrating. I rarely message guys but when I do, this always seems to happen (even when they've "matched" me). It's not really like they're out of my league or anything either. I understand that guys have their own preferences but you would think that the odds of them answering would be pretty good since 90% of the…
  • One of my big pet peeves since I'm pretty tall as it is. Now, I just assume that they're 2 inches shorter than they listed and I'm usually right lol! Though the last guy I dated had a height listed that was about 1-2 inches shorter than his actual height.
  • -I agree. I've been on first dates with about 10 guys over the past few years (I dated some longer than that though). Maybe I'm really lucky or just screen really well, but none of the guys have been weirdos, just wanting to talk about sex, etc. I haven't had it happen in a while but if the guy started talking about sex or…
  • I've seen that in a few guys' profiles but it's still pretty funny.
  • I completed Day 3 of Level 2 yesterday and this is the farthest I've made it before. Since I've started and stopped the program so much in the past, by Day 8 of Level 1, I was getting tired of it and losing motivation. I decided to just bump up to Level 2 early instead. Based on what people have said, I was really scared…
  • I just started 30 Day Shred a few days ago (have done 3 days of Level 1 so far). I've started and stopped this program so much in the past but I want to finish this time! It's tough on my knees so I plan on doing it for 2-3 days and then taking a day off. I also do a modified version of a jumping jack because that movement…
  • I lost about 50 lbs 6 years ago and ever since then, I've been cold (before that, I used to always be hot). I've gained a lot of the weight back over the past few years : / and despite that, I'm still always cold. My coworkers can't understand how I can be from Massachusetts and now living in SoCal but always wearing a…