izzy0113 Member


  • MFP says I should eat 1220 calories per day to lose approximately 2lbs / week. BMR = 1583 TDEE = 1899 I am SO confused now??? Do I consume 1220 calories daily? Or between BMR and TDEE? (i.e. something like 1600 calories?) I have a desk job and put in sedentary for activity level. As much as I tell myself I'm going to walk…
  • Boom Chicka Pop Lightly Sweet Popcorn! 37 cals per cup!!!!
  • If you're literally ordering "Hibachi Chicken" off the menu, then I'm 99% sure they're using hibachi sauce. You'd have to order "Teriyaki Chicken" to get teriyaki sauce. I'd ask the kitchen to check the can for you, most restaurants order these sauces from distributors, they aren't homemade. But it looks like hibachi sauce…
  • I agree. More protein. I'm vegetarian and really focus on getting lots of protein everyday. Slim fast optima, almonds, fruit smoothies with almond milk and whey protein, quinoa, hummus...and you're not drinking enough water if you are correctly tallying each glass you have. Good luck!! I also tried the "six small meals"…
  • Jack and diet coke Anything really + diet coke Chardonnay (white wine lower cal than red) These are my stand bys.