I am starving! Someone please look at my dairy



  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    ive never seen a whole days calories only add up to 1100 how is this possible??

    Easy: cut the portion size into halves or less...

    Listen, chica, what everyone here is saying honestly does work. You should NEVER be starving. Eating every two hours is great, but I could have one almond every hour and still be starving. (That is an exaggeration of what you have going on, I know) In any event, I know it sounds counter-intuitive but trust me, it will work if you do it right.
  • Find someome in your area that does RMR (resting metabolic rate) & VO2 (oxygen used during exercise) testing. Learn how many calories YOU need to function in a day and how many you burn during exercise. Then EAT THEM! Retest periodically. Any more than 1-2 lbs per week uses muscle for fuel, not fat. If you lose muscle, you lose the ability to burn calories. I plateaued for a month and found out when I retested that I was undereating. When I upped the calories to the number I was currently using, I started losing again. Fuel your body properly!!
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    I triy to limit carbs to the veggies and fruits consume
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member

    Trust your body to tell you when it needs food. Eat when your hungry, not when your bored.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You can eat every five minutes, but if you don't eat enough, you will be hungry and starving...Eat more....or else stay hungry and lose an obscene amount of muscle mass in the process...Doesn't sound like fun to me though, so just up your calories....
  • ji225
    ji225 Posts: 89 Member
    A quick glance at your diary had me in shock - I've not read all messages so know nothing of height etc but even if you were doing no exercise, you are not eating enough and your body is trying to tell you to eat more, and you are ignoring it! at least eat your BMR please! otherwise you will struggle later on when you try and 'normally' again! (and your poor body will try and conserve reserves and eat into lean muscle to survive and keep vital organs functioning! )

  • delikium
    delikium Posts: 196 Member
    eat more
    stay away from cheese, not much proteins / a-lot of fat / a-lot of calories if you compare cheese to eggs u r better of eating 2 boiled eggs, and that fills u more
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Eat a bigger, heartier (more protein and fiber filled) breakfast. It keeps you feeling full throughout the day! I try to eat anywhere from 300-450 calories at breakfast, unless I'm running short on time and have to grab a quick shake or somethin.
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    Your diet looks fine but you are obviously not logging your wine that you like...so you can add at least another5 500 cals for that.

    Your photo looks fine that you are a good weight.
    My advice is (and you are asking for advice?)try to eat more protein. What exercise are you doing at the moment?
    Walk more, add your alcohol cals, and eat more protein.

    I am not sure how you had arrived at the conclusion that I am "obviously not logging" my wine. I log every piece of food I take, and if you go back to the weekend, you will see when I had drinks and how many drinks I had.
    I have been exercising 4 times a week, if you look on the bottom of my daily dairy it will show calories added from exercises
    I walk and run, as well as use WII to play active
    Picture means nothing, I am 30lbs over my BMI
    Again I don't need to add alcohol I don't consume.
    Thank you
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    I read every comment ,calculated my BMR, and will be redistributing my calorie intake between meals
    I have increased my calorie goal for now, if I feel I am still hungry I will go up another 100+

    Thank you guys for your input
  • Yay! I'm glad you decided to eat more. You gotta take care of yourself! :-) Not that you didn't have that intention before, of course.
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    When I first started on MFP, I was given a starting calorie rate of 1650. I had an appointment with a nutritionist already scheduled, so I kept it; I'm very glad I did. The nutritionist calculated my calories differently; she said I should be taking in 1750. I was always starving as well, but that extra 100 calories really helped. Plus, I've introduced quinoa into my diet; it's higher in protein, which means it fills you up more without as many calories.

    I would suggest visiting a nutritionist to see what they say about what you're currently eating, and maybe give you a good plan for eating great and feeling full. It's so different for everyone, might be worth it?

    Good luck!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Looks like some great eating but like others said eat more! Go to fat2fitradio.com and use their calculator. Also check out the group Eat More to Weigh Less, lots of valuable info there!
  • izzy0113
    izzy0113 Posts: 7 Member
    protein, protein, protein. cheese, steak, chicken, nuts. protein will keep you full longer and help you lose weight.

    I agree. More protein. I'm vegetarian and really focus on getting lots of protein everyday. Slim fast optima, almonds, fruit smoothies with almond milk and whey protein, quinoa, hummus...and you're not drinking enough water if you are correctly tallying each glass you have. Good luck!!

    I also tried the "six small meals" thing and just HATED my life. I do much better eating 3x a day, with larger amounts of calories each meal. It's all about finding what works best for you.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    That is true I don't eat all my calories, but I eat almost every two hours.

  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Your always over on fat and way under on carbs and protein. reduce the fat. protein will make you feel more full and carbs will give you energy. fat will make you feel...fat.
  • Eat more foods high in protein because they keep you full and your body stores it as energy instead of fat.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Here are the 2 things that have helped me beat that "OMG, I Am SO starving all the time feeling":

    1. eat more protein. base your diet mostly on protein with some fruits and veggies. I eat lots of protein (some lean, some not so much). When I'm hungry the first thing I go for is protein. I find that carbs make me hungry just about all the time, even just a little messes everything up. Even to the point where I avoid yogurt as a protein source and have cottage cheese instead.

    2. cycle your calories. One or two days per week (you can schedule that day, but I prefer to just do it when I'm having a hungry day) eat 1800 calories. keep the rest at 1100 or 1200. this will really help your body curb the hunger messages because you are litterally not starving your body all the time, just 5-6 days a week.

    Ok, I said too, but I kinda lied. WATER, WATER, WATER! At least 16 oz with every meal. it will definitely help you feel fuller. low sodium broth-based soups will have the same effect too. Best of luck and friend me if you like.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    It doesn't matter how often you eat, it matters how much you eat. I'd be hungry eating under 1400. Usually I eat around 1600+.
    Good luck
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I agree with what has been said by just about everybody. More calories, more protein (try almonds, peanut butter). I also like the oatmeal suggestion. It looks to me like you are terrified of carbs. Contrary to popular belief, you will not balloon up like Humpty Dumpty if you eat a slice of bread once in a while and it may satisfy a craving.