crystalwoodruff Member


  • loved the great info you gave! thanks and congrats on your amazing weight loss
  • awesome reply! thanks
  • am loving a new app called couch to 5k, its a program that you can do intervals of walking and running to eventually work up your stamina to run a 5k pretty neat i think
  • recipe for pizza, crust made out of cauliflower :-) I am making this tonight will let yal know how it comes out
  • FAUXTATOES! Low carbers usually have one thing in common, we miss mashed potatoes, so here is a close second Boil desired amount of cauliflower, after tender mash as you would potatoes, then add butter (milk or heavy cream really isnt necessary as it comes out moist) salt and pepper and enjoy I like putting cheese in mine,…
  • spaghetti!!!!! yum Ingredients: spaghetti squash spaghetti sauce ( i prefer low sugar or low carb) hamburger meat (i usually mix 1lb beef and 1b pork, turkey would also be fine) parmesan Cut your spaghetti squash in half oil baking pan, bake squash cut side down until tender while that is baking, brown your meat and warm…
  • great eggs are a stable at my house! i use them at breakfast, scrambled, cheese omlets, in MIMs, over easy, deviled, in quiches...they are the wonder food
  • love that! i hope ron is ok have missed him
  • Hi all glad yal joined us :-)
  • I think you dont have to watch calories when you first begin atkins(or low carb) but after a while your body will adjust and you will eventually wanna start lowering calories or changing something up to be able to continue losing weight. or at least this has been my experience:) very good luck Created by -…