t21972 Member


  • Hi I did the c25k just after Christmas and still running 5k at least 3 times a week.. I remember week 1 and it was soooo soooo hard. I had a little set back but stuck with it and lost 2 stone in 2 month aswell as diet. I was getting on towards 17 stone and an ex smoker just turned 41 years of age when I ended up in…
    in Starting C25K Comment by t21972 May 2012
  • Hi All I know its been a while just a little over 7 weeks but an update on my jogging progress. Yesterday evening I ran non-stop for 6.11mile / 10km. http://www.mapmyrun.com/view_route?r=299133477692549436 3 months ago I was out of breath running for 60seconds Thanks to you all for the advise :-)
  • Hi All I know its been a while just a little over 7 weeks but an update on my jogging progress. Yesterday evening I ran non-stop for 6.11mile / 10km. http://www.mapmyrun.com/view_route?r=299133477692549436 3 months ago I was out of breath running for 60seconds Thanks to you all for the advise :-)
  • I Hate it and have stopped using it for about 6 mths now. I class a friend as someone who I'd gladly buy a beer for if I saw them in a bar. not a old school pal that i haven't heard of since i left 20+ years ago. If I wanted to know what a friend had been up to over the week end I'd give them a ring or even pop and see…
  • Hi All Just a quick update and a thanks for everyone's kind help and advise 40 days later my knees are fully better and I took the advice to have my running analysed and trainers fitted. It turns out that as I'm landing I'm landing on the inside of my foot that is making my knees roll inwards hence knee pain, I now have…
  • Hi theoneandonly Thanks for the advice, I'm using an Adidas running shoe. but wondering if there good enough.
  • Hi Scott Thanks for the link there is some real good tips on there that I tried to put i to practice on last nights run, the bad news is I only managed to get 2/3 of the way round before having to stop with knee pain and walk home. :frown: