jogging advice please

Hi All

I have been walking to get fit and lose weight since just before Christmas last year, got to a point that walking does not feel like an exercise work out any more, so I started to try and run. I have been using the couch to 5k program on the NHS website. this is going fine so far but when listening to the pod casts provided with this training program it keeps reminding me to rest for the next day after exercise . Is there any reason for this??? as I feel I want to exercise everyday. I was walking every day and I enjoy getting out there in the fresh air everyday. Ideally I would like to go jogging every day, is this safe ????

Any advice is appreciated.


  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    It is recommended to not jog/run for more than 2 days in a row, but that doens't mean to not can still bike, swim, elliptical, kick box, weight train,etc...

    I however run 6 days a week, with Sat usually my rest day...I have been running for about 2 years. The important part is I listen to my body and take a day off from running if I feel I need it.

    Since you are just starting out, I would make sure you get your rest days in. However, mix up your intervals, tempos, hills, long slow, short fast....on different days. On your rest days, do somethng else.....

    Slowly build yourself up, make sure you have good running shoes and have fun!
  • scottbad
    Thanks t. Perfect timing. I decided I didn't want to start exercising until I had lost some weight. I am pleased with my progress, but now it is time to start facing exercise (sort of scared - don't know why). I just downloaded and listened - from my couch. This is what I needed to get up and get going.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    The reason for a day of between runs is simply to give your body a chance to recover, especially when you're first starting out.

    In a nutshell we build muscle and improve fitness by stressing our muscles which causes micro-tears and the rest period is needed for the body to repair itself.

    As momof3and3 correctly pointed out non-running days should be used to cross-train (swim, bike, do weights) but you should also have at least 1 rest day per week.
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    Try doing some weight training on your non jogging days. Light weight dumbbells to start or find a workout video. You just want to try using a different muscle group.
  • daisydieter
    I wish someone had explained to me that your joints and tendons, especially if you're overweight, aren't able to take the kind of pounding jogging inflicts on a daily basis. (Not even sure if you're a healthy weight it is even good for you.) It took me 3 injuries to figure out running 3 miles per day, 5 days in a row was the cause of the agony I'd be in thanks to an injured (then re-injured) sacroiliac joint. My knees weren't agony but I was in pain. Eventually, it totally de-railed my fitness plan and I ended up gaining back nearly all the weight I'd lost a few years ago.

    This time around, with the advice of a new doctor, I still am jogging about 15 miles a week. But I'm doing 5 miles per day (which I worked up to do... jog/walk/jog/walk) only THREE days a week (M-W-F). Because I need to lose weight, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday's I also include an hour of calorie burning cardio (which does help with my running), but on the eliptical which takes a lot of the pressure of my joints.

    First time in years that I've not been in any kind of agony. Sure, had the stiff muscles when I first started working out again but last few years, by week 2 or 3, I'd be in bed for several days doped up then moving so slowly for another six weeks.
  • t21972
    t21972 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All

    I know its been a while just a little over 7 weeks but an update on my jogging progress. Yesterday evening I ran non-stop for 6.11mile / 10km.

    3 months ago I was out of breath running for 60seconds

    Thanks to you all for the advise :-)
  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi All

    I know its been a while just a little over 7 weeks but an update on my jogging progress. Yesterday evening I ran non-stop for 6.11mile / 10km.

    3 months ago I was out of breath running for 60seconds

    Thanks to you all for the advise :-)

    You are a star! Great job :)
    I'm on W7 of the same plan too and can only wish of being able to cover that distance!!
    Well done, and I'm really pleased you updated.