

  • I just had to put my dog to sleep on Sunday. It was horrible. I had to wait two hours for the vet to show up and i tried to make that two hours the best two hours my dog ever had. I cried for an hour after it was done and then i went and dug a grave under his favorite tree to bury him. I have't been back to the grave yet,…
  • I am on my second fitbit and i do like the way it syncs to here. I have walked a measured distance and then check the fitbit and found it is very accurate in logging the accurate mileage. It, combined with fitness pal is a great tool. i have probably cause at least a dozen people to purchase the fitbit and establish an…
  • starting again after being bad for a year. my sugar level has gone back to where it was and i need to stick with it this time and i plan on doing so
  • i started after i found out i was diabetic and had prostrate cancer, all within 48 hours. i had the prostrate removed and so far, 18 months later i am cancer free. The diateties was another story. my A1c was 11.2 and they couldnt operate on my cancer till i got it under control. i went on medication and totally changed my…
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