

  • I was vegetarian on and off a good deal of my 20's. In my 30's I became pescatarian, then vegetarian in my late 30's. In my 40's I became vegan. At first it was great, although I have had health issues on and off since about age 39. In the last two years, I have a serious intolerance for "mock meat" of any sort. I had been…
  • Fat cannot and does not turn into muscle. Fat and muscle are two very different things. It is possible to have one, the other, both or neither. The only thing that is not possible is changing fat into muscle or muscle into fat. Lift heavy, vary your routines and do regular cardio.
  • Don't know how old you are, but I'm 45 and in the last year lost about 35-40 pounds. For the longest time I thought I had hormone issues but bloodwork said "no". I started a pretty active exercise routine using weights and zumba classes and the weight came off. Hoping to loose that last few pounds now, that's the hard…
  • That's a lot for you to loose I think - 132 is a great weight for an average height woman. Do you exercise? Maybe toning is more of a goal, just don't like to see people get too skinny! But, best wishes regardless. Victoria in Tucson -