Looking for new friends with the same stats... Im 5'4'' and



  • Hi! I'm 5'4", and have about 12-15 more pounds to lose. I started September 7th, and have lost 10 pounds since then. Slow, but steady! Feel free to add me.
  • danapearly
    danapearly Posts: 17 Member
    Hey!! I'm 5'2.5 and I would love to loose 40 pds. I have rejoined the gym and working with a personal trainer. Find it very hard to stay on track. Would love some different recipes. I am going to do this!!
  • melibea
    melibea Posts: 228
    Add me! I am 5'3 and looking forward to being 105-110 :)
  • Hello,
    I am 26 years old. I am 5'4" and have 21 pounds to lose. I just joined MFP today and was so happy to find this thread. How do I keep track of it? CAn anyone help?
  • ms78
    ms78 Posts: 37 Member
    I am 29 and 5ft4. I have lost about 13lbs and probably have another 15 to go. I have gone from a uk size 12-14 to a 10-12 and hoping to get to a size 8.
  • Jupitermermaid
    Jupitermermaid Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 5' 4 1/4", and am stuck at 150-153. My goal is to lose another 25 pounds, but it's pretty resistant. I only eat healthy foods and try to stay away from anything non-nutritious (except for an occasional wine or three....lol)
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I'm 5'4", 134 pounds, and looking to lose 15-20 as well! Adding you :)
  • I'm 5'3 and a half and around 145lbs, looking to get down to somewhere between 115-125lbs. I could always use more friends and motivation to get me there, feel free to add me!
  • That's a lot for you to loose I think - 132 is a great weight for an average height woman. Do you exercise? Maybe toning is more of a goal, just don't like to see people get too skinny! But, best wishes regardless. Victoria in Tucson -
  • Don't know how old you are, but I'm 45 and in the last year lost about 35-40 pounds. For the longest time I thought I had hormone issues but bloodwork said "no". I started a pretty active exercise routine using weights and zumba classes and the weight came off. Hoping to loose that last few pounds now, that's the hard part. Anyway, I'd try weight training and something you like (or can stand) for cardio. Good luck!!
  • wilprosper
    wilprosper Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'5" looking to loose 10-15 lbs. Looking for a community for support and to offer support on this journey.
  • I'm 5'4" looking to loose about 15 lbs. my main goal is to build a lean me. I'm new to this site and would live to have some friends to keep me motivated. Please feel free to add me.
  • I'm 5'3 and am looking to loose another 17kgs(37.4 pounds) to get to my goal weight of 55 kilograms (121 pounds)
  • Add me as well anyone I am trying to lose 12 lbs. and I am 5'4.
  • 13466739.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    What is everyone doing to lose it?
  • jcrafton615
    jcrafton615 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'4" too! I currently weigh 167, but I'm trying to get down to 145ish. My heaviest was 235, but I've lost 23 in the past 2 months due to some personal issues. I'm exercising and cutting calories, but I feel stuck. I've been at 167 for a few weeks now and can't seem to lose anymore. Any ideas?
  • JoanneinProv
    JoanneinProv Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'3" and in July 2011 hit my all time high of 160#. Stress and depression are a killer. Anxiety snacking on junk food and eating frozen-prepared meals and eating out put my weight over the top. When I hit 160# I couldn't believe it. I've been between a size 4 and 6 since after high school, but the last few years have been very difficult for me.

    At the beginning of 2011 I decided to start reading up on healthy, organic foods, reducing and hopefully eliminating preservatives and other chemicals and pesticides from my body, and some light exercising on my stationery bike and weights, and treadmill at the gym. It was difficult to drop snacking (I was totally addicted to sour dough niblet pretzels!), but after I started reading ingredients more carefully, it was easier to eliminate certain foods from my diet.

    I found a forum on another (paid) website to set my goal for losing a pound a week. I was excited thinking I can lose a pound a week if I start out by eliminating one bad food item from my diet a week. The more I read, the more food items I replaced. Out with cereals in the morning for breakfast ... in with 1 slice of 100% sprouted grain cinnamon raisin toast with 1 tbsp of 100% butter and an apple; Lunch Out with iceburg lettuce for a salad base ... in with organic spinach and kale for my salad base; Dinner Great reduction in meat consumption ... by using smaller portions of meats and adding lots of veggies. Out with coffee ... in with green tea.

    My weight loss so far since July is 35# (yaaaaay!) with my downward trend as follows:

    - 9.0 July
    -11.0 Aug
    - 2.0 Sep
    - 4.0 Oct
    - 4.0 Nov

    -1.0 / -4.0 /____ /____/____
    5th /12th /19th / 26th / 2nd

    Current Weight: 125 (12-12-2011)
    December Starting Weight: 130 (12-01-2011)
    Starting Weight: 160 (7-18-2011)
    Goal Weight = 115 - 110

    158.......145 ....135 ....125 ....115!
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    With 10 more pounds to lose, I'm closing in on my first goal of 115#, this is where I understand it gets the hardest. If I can lose those 10 pounds, i'll shoot for a new goal of an additional 5# to bring me down to 110#. I can't wait to to wear all my clothes again instead of athletic pants!!

    Please add me as a friend everyone and we can overcome our obstacles together!
  • JoanneinProv
    JoanneinProv Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jcrafton615, It looks like we've been through a similar battle! Congratulations on the 23# weight loss! That's a fantastic accomplishment. From what I've read, please be careful about losing too much weight in a short period of time as your body may go into "starvation mode" and this will slow down the process of losing more weight. :bigsmile: