aslosman Member


  • Get yourself a Surly Longhall Trucker with a Brooks Brother seat. Nice bike and great for everything except competive racing or mountain biking. This is a cycle touring bike and is built to take loaded weight for camping equipment and much abuse. A cyclecross bike would also be good but it is tough to beat a Surly.
  • You are likely to get advice that could end up injuring yourself. I would suggest strongly that you work one-on-one with a personal trainer. Interview a few with your goals and limitations in mind and find someone you can work with. Invest in learning how to lift and you will have better results. It does cost but much less…
  • Kayaking, like all hobbies is a lot more fun with the right equipment. Buying a Huffy to get into biking is not a good idea IMO. Buying a cheap kayak is a bad idea. Cheap kayaks teach people kayaking is hard. Look for someone who know kayaks and brands. Buy used and buy quality Necky, Prijon, Perception, Wilderness Systems…