Is anyone willing to help me create a workout routine?

Today was the first time I tried out some of the weight machines at the gym and I enjoyed it. I have tried various apps to get a workout routine but they seem to include exercises not on a machine and I don't feel confident in doing freestyle exercises in the gym just yet and none of them include swimming in my routine. I like to do cardio, swimming and strength training.

Can anyone help me out?


  • aslosman
    aslosman Posts: 3 Member
    You are likely to get advice that could end up injuring yourself.

    I would suggest strongly that you work one-on-one with a personal trainer. Interview a few with your goals and limitations in mind and find someone you can work with.

    Invest in learning how to lift and you will have better results. It does cost but much less than an injury.

    I belong to the YMCA, they do an initial fitness assessment, create a workout plan, then check in once a month over 3 months for free. Your gym may have the same thing, ask.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Best advice I can give is to try and gain the confidence to do free weights. There is a reason most well regarded strength programs do not include machines. You get a more efficient, better quality, and often less time consuming workout with the free weights. Start light, learn proper form, and progress. Best of luck to you.
  • halleymw
    halleymw Posts: 246 Member
    You might try the Jefit website and search for a machine only workout. Something like:
    and sub in your swimming for the elliptical on cardio days.. The only thing is you might want to add some lat pull downs. Once you get a good base, then I would strongly recommend going to stronglifts or ALL PRO beginner routine.
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    I would recommend checking with your gym;
    A - because most gyms offer the first meeting free (and even if you have to pay, one or two sessions is normally a good investment in you)
    B - trainer can cater to you using exactly what machines your gym has
    C - trainer can help you with correct form which is huge

    I mean I/we can make suggestions, but I do not know what machines you have, what you know, or what your desire and goals are.