

  • I wouldn't think having 2 slices a bread is that bad for you, although white bread is the worst possible bread to have. I have a wheat and gluten sensitivity and can't eat any bread because it causes extreme inflammation within my stomach and digestive system. You can get tested for that if it is a major concern of yours.…
  • Don't worry. I heard the same thing as you. I've been reading it everywhere. "The best way to burn fat is to eat it." Clearly people just have no respect for others.
  • I usually go on and off the 30 day shred since it's hard to do it all the time with the amount of school work that I have, but usually I stay on the same level until it gets easy for me and then I go up a level :). You could change levels every 10 days, but I just continue until it gets easy and then I switch. It doesn't…