Is bread REALLY that bad for you?



  • Hmmm, bread is the base for pizza... So I will eat it. You should too.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Bread can contribute to digestive issues, IMO.

    I recall watching a documentary where they deconstructed certain foods, bread being one of them. One of the binding agents used was something very similar to wallpaper paste. They simulated a stomach digesting meals, and the one containing this particular form of processed bread took much, much longer than the norm.

    And I always believe what documentaries tell me because they are 100% factual and in no way misleading

    Me too. I especially like bigger, stronger, faster. It taught me that steroids are actually pretty kewl.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    nutritionally speaking, bread doesn't have a whole lot to offer unless you're doing something like sour dough which has live cultures...but I personally like the quick burning carbs before and after a ride so I like to eat sammiches.

    Whether something is "good" or "bad" really requires you to look at context and dosage. If all you ate was bread and little else, that would probably not be the best thing in the world....having a sammich or some toast or something, really not a big deal.

    Some people do have allergies to wheat and gluten which can cause bloating, etc...but these allergies are far more rare than you would think given all of the gluten free hoopla these days.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Try not eating bread for two to four weeks and see how you feel, then go back to eating it and see how you feel. The only way to know what is causing bloating is to eliminate things that could be an issue and then reintroduce them. My husband and son have non-celiac guten intolerance and one of the symptoms is bloating, the others are more severe like diarrhea.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    Bread isn't bad. Bad is demonizing a food or food group.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    bread is awful for you!

    give it to me...I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE!!

  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    Not bad, but I prefer getting my calories from other sources. Gone from a 800g loaf every 3 days to very rarely touch the stuff. Do I feel I am missing out ? No, I just prefer omelettes or oatmeal for breakfast, more filling. I can destroy loaves without thinking about it. Prefer fruit and cold meats to sandwiches at lunchtime same reasons, more filling for the same calories. As others have said, if you want it, just fit it into your meal plans. I am a firm believer in lots of small changes you can manage for life.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    *chomps sandwich*
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    And is bread really as evil as people keep telling me? Thoughts?

    Bread isn't particularly nutritious, especially commercial soft white bread. All the nutrients are stripped out during processing of the wheat into flour, and then a minimal amount of B vitamins and iron added back (thus "enriched" bread). There are better things to use your calories on--meat, fish, fowl, eggs, cheese, veggies, whole fruit, nuts, seeds...

    (Not saying I don't LIKE white bread, mind you, but I rarely eat it any more.)
  • rossraskolnikov
    rossraskolnikov Posts: 29 Member
    Bread can contribute to digestive issues, IMO.

    I recall watching a documentary where they deconstructed certain foods, bread being one of them. One of the binding agents used was something very similar to wallpaper paste. They simulated a stomach digesting meals, and the one containing this particular form of processed bread took much, much longer than the norm.

    And I always believe what documentaries tell me because they are 100% factual and in no way misleading
    Well, 'twas a Beeb doc, not a propaganda piece by the Anti-Hovis Committee. If you have any counter-evidence beyond glib dismissal I'd be happy to consider it. That almost all processed foods are rife with a huge variety of cheap fillers, preservatives and the like I'd have thought was beyond dispute by any sane soul, but I may be wrong.

    I'm not saying bread is wholly evil. But if the OP is trying to isolate what's causing them digestive distress, bread is a good contender. I and several people I know have noticed a correlation .
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Hmmm, bread is the base for pizza... So I will eat it. You should too.

  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I have issues with bread not been able to eat any variety for years. I have now discovered I have low thyroid function and when the thyroid is sluggish it can cause digestive issues along with a long list of other problems. I am also salicylate sensitive which makes things like mushrooms a problem and there could be a connection between yeast and fungi which is high in salicylate. My problem is most likely to be the thyroid because it plays a key role in keeping the body toxin free and functioning properly.

    I think if you start to find changes in your digestive system you might be as well to have then looked into.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    I was having some issues with bloating and someone told me to not eat bread at all because it was one of the worst things you can eat. I eat 2 slices of Wonder Bread (yes it is white because I like white taste wise I understand how people feel about that) for breakfast and that is it. (also, even after I told this person I had eaten a rather salty meal which was probably causing my bloat she still maintained it was the bread not the salt.)

    Besides the downsides of white which I am aware of, I have heard claims bread in general whether it be white, whole wheat, whole grain, rye, gluten free etc ALL BREAD IS BAD?

    Can eating 2 slices in the morning really be all that bad? And is bread really as evil as people keep telling me? Thoughts?

    The only problem I see with bread is it has too many calories for very little.

    Something as delicious Tomato Basil Bread Slice of (2 oz or 57 gms) is 130 Calories.

    That is one big problem with bread, besides spiking blood glucose (for me but that can be controlled by quantity).
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    nah, I eat like half a loaf a day and I'm awesome.

  • I wouldn't think having 2 slices a bread is that bad for you, although white bread is the worst possible bread to have. I have a wheat and gluten sensitivity and can't eat any bread because it causes extreme inflammation within my stomach and digestive system. You can get tested for that if it is a major concern of yours. There are gluten free bread options out there that taste like regular bread, and for me, it doesn't cause inflammation. You should probably also look at other grain options throughout the day, like rice.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    Ive noticed in my more than a couple times doing South Beach that my stomach gets flatter by cutting out bread. However, I love me some bread so now I just try to limit myself to 2-3 slices per week and do the 12 grain.
  • Take my bread away and I'll be a very unhappy person! Just make sure to get whole grain breads. I prefer the organic stuff in the freezer, because that's without preservatives and no yoga mat chemicals. A little more expensive, but a loaf will last me a week. The taste has grown on me. I actually bought a regular loaf of white bread this weekend and after a couple of days it tasted artificial, almost a plastic taste. Stick with the whole grain freezer bread. Those are good carbs.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member