If I were you, I'd have it taken out just for peace of mind, then you know for sure if the Mirena is the cause or not instead of constantly wondering. The only downside to that is you'll probably end up getting your period and I would only hope that it doesn't come back with a vengeance. I've considered going on Mirena but…
The 16th Hour Deadmau5
haha this is funny! :laugh:
I usually cut up a pineapple and a container of strawberries, and I divide it into 3 tupperware containers so that I have breakfast ready for me for the next 3 days. And then I have a handful of raw almonds, it's filling! I usually take my time eating it at my desk in the morning so I'm snacking and enjoying breakfast for…
I find that "Super B Complex" Vitamins are very helpful in giving me energy, the only catch is that you have to have it with a meal because what it does is help your body create energy from food. Monster energy drinks aren't very good for you either, and they can make you have a sugar crash - but i have a sensitive stomach…
i drink about 5 cups of coffee a day... so maybe its not just water weight haha! :tongue: :blushing:
so i suppose i'd better start eating bananas!
i find this post very interesting because i dont know anything about this so-called "water weight by high sodium intake"... i have always had a problem with keeping my sodium levels down, my favorite food is soup and tomatoes (this includes tomato sauce, which is also very high in sodium), and sometimes i even eat soup for…
^ me too! Pickles! I also find that it curbs my usual salty cravings! Almonds are also a great munchie killer but they're a little high in fats. good fats though :/
absolutely possible! if you want it bad enough!
absolutely possible!
I've had this happen to me too! I would say I get them every 4-6 months as well, and I'm glad you posted this topic because I'm extremely interested in what other people have to say about this. The last time this happened to me it was the exact same story (except that I didn't fall off the bed :smile: ) but it was in the…
My sister is flying in for her Bachelorette Party and i'm surprising her with a limo picking her up at the airport!!! Her flight lands in 10 minutes!!! I have butterflies!!
I would love a recipe for this! I recently went to a restaurant and ordered the zucchini spaghetti noodles and have been wanting to try making it myself because I'm such a spaghetti fan (not so much because of the noodles but because I love tomatoes and sauce!)
well i certainly appreciate all the feedback, it has helped me come up with a good plan. I'm doing the Dr. Oz 2 day cleanse this weekend, smoothies and juicing and lots of water! Soup for dinner :) Looking forward to it! And then I'm going to start the 30 day squat challenge, along with treadmill & elliptical 4 - 5 times a…
well, my profile picture is from 2 years ago and i mostly notice my weight gain in pictures of myself... i'm lacking discipline. i suppose 5 lbs would be better than no lbs. i stopped exercising about a year ago because of a bad skiing accident that messed up my knee. what i'm hoping is that i haven't lost all my muscle…
haha, no it wasn't a surprise but thats besides the point now that its 30 days away!!!!! :happy:
haha! I have the same struggle! in fact, i wanted to start my own message board with the same topic... you read my mind! With that said, I'm loving all the support and advice in this message thread. I know that it has an effect on your metabolism and the bodies ability to break down carbs and sugars... but sometimes after…
24 livin in Miami.
^^ chardonnay is a major vice of mine!