Schmiegelette Member


  • I like to vary the incline when I walk. Sometimes I'll crank it up to 12%, though I can usually only handle that for a couple minutes before I ease off to a lower incline. I can't run, make my hip bursitis flare up. And to add my input about treadmills, I LOVE mine, without it I wouldn't get to excersice, I have 2 small…
  • I didn't see this, and as you stated you don't have tons of extra money... but for day hikes I LOVE my hydration pack. It's got enough room for a few extras, ie camera & diapers. And, my kids picked up how to drink out of it pretty quick, shortly after 18 months I think is when we started using it.
  • It's easier for me to run on the treadmill, but that has alot to do with having two preschoolers so I don't have the luxury of leaving them to go for a run. On a side note, I remember reading once (maybe Runners World) that you can simulate the air resistance running outside gives by putting the treadmill on a slight…
  • One word you need to know with Kindle "OVERDRIVE" I don't like to buy books, so I never got a Kindle, then this fall Overdrive worked out an agreement with Amazon that allows you to download books from your local library onto a Kindle product (assuming they have it in the right format). Like most library books sometimes…
  • Eaten meat... I've had eggs & dairy, but no fish, beef, chicken, molusks, etc.
  • I LOVE Title Nine!!!!! When I had my first and was breastfeeding I emailed customer service for advice... I was a 34F so I know about heavy milk boobs. Anyway, she wrote back with almost a page worth of advice. Ultimately I went with the Moving Comfort Fiona bra (I could open the straps to feed my son if necissary). But…
  • I just restarted yesterday. I completed the entire program about 2 years ago... but then got bursitis in my hip and couldn't do much of anything (any jogging set it off for over a year). Just decided to retry it this week, no pain after yesterday (at least not in my hip, still sore from yoga on Sunday)... and I've got…
  • Do they offer taco salad? My hubby likes to eat out so I usually order a taco salad, no cheese, substitute the beef for their vegetarian black beans (I'm vegatarian) and give the kids the shell. Though I'm a huge carb hound and have difficulty with the free chips & salsa. :)
  • Oh, forgot to add it's set for 1/2 lb loss per week... but apparently last week I gained 2 lbs. (didn't record that, it was too depressing).
  • Are you recommending raw veggies? I can probably make up some snack bags to try. As an fyi I'm vegitarian (life long, yes, I've NEVER eaten meat) with vegan leanings. My youngest is allergic to dairy so we basically eat vegan at home except eggs & honey (and I love fat free chobani w/ cereal).
  • Ohh, didn't know prozac is an option... I might ask about that.. I know Yaz was approved, but my family history involves all kinds of heart disease so the increased risk of stroke makes me avoid it (that and hubby has a vascectomy so it isn't needed to control pregancny) What were your side-effects for St. Johns Wort?
  • I drink about 2 liters of water a day. I'm trying to lose 15lbs or wear a size 6 whichever comes first. Other than pregnancy this is the most I've ever weighed and it's really getting me down.