

  • Fast food is soooo bad for you. Some of the resturants are adding healthy choices. That is good.
  • I have never tried it, but the one thing that came to mind - yuck. Sorry, it might be super good but what's the point? If you want PB, have PB and enjoy it!!
  • One more thing jayney25 - It will get easier. Once your body detoxes out the sugar, you will not crave it. Try a sweet substitute like carmel flavored rice cakes or choc rice cakes. There are other low calorie things you can substitute like pudding or frozen pudding pops. But with everything you eat, it has to be in…
  • First of all, do not beat yourself up over this. Try a different approach. Instead of buying a whole box of chocolates, buy one. Save it for a treat and savor every bite. By-pass surgury is not the be-all end-all. If you do not want to change your eating habits, you will just gain the weight back. And in the mean-time,…
  • Woo hoo!! That is so AWESOME!! Good for you. And thanks for sharing your achievement with all of us!! :heart:
  • Best thing to do about Thanksgiving - smaller plate. Take the food you like, eat slow and put your fork down in between bites. There is no need for us to "stuff" ourselves. It is just another day in the calendar year. Eat a larger breakfast so you are not that hungry when the turkey (all the fixin's) is ready to eat. Most…
  • I am in the smae boat. I have not logged into the website for a month and I have stayed the same weight for a month. I have NOTwritten down my food intake and I think that is why I stayed the same, and not lost anything. I think it is very important to record all the food that goes in the mouth. Sometimes we have to think…
  • I have been yo-yo dieting for most of my 48 years. I have a new resolution - I will NEVER diet again. I now have a new lifestyle which includes lower calorie and fat intake and daily exercise. With a diet you will have a goal. When you reach that goal, then what? With me, it was a pass to go back to the same bad habits…
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