

  • We all need to whine every now and then. We'll just uh-huh and tell you to hang in there! So: Hang in there!!! I'm kind of bouncing around within a lb of the same weight for the last few days. I'm only stuffed if I do not spread out my allotment over the day and try to correct by eating a lot of proteins later in the day.…
  • Well done! You go girl! I have ditched my normal lunch salad for a bread lunch in order to up my calories. I notice however that I get more munchies when I up my carbs. I'm thinking about setting my macros to 30-30-40 for a while, see how I do on that. I did crappy on the protein front. I have 200 calories left, so I'll go…
  • I understand I'm going against the trend here but I'm partial to weighing myself every day. It gives you an insight in how your body responds to training, sodium or even the time of month (not so relevant in your case. I register my weight daily in an app on my phone which calculates a 7-day weighed average, for the…
    in Help!!!!!! Comment by Carani July 2012
  • Honey, as hard as we hope it won't be us who gain 12 lbs during reset, the whole thing is about resetting your metabolism by offering our bodies an abundance of food. I'ts the law of averages here, there will be days we move enough to 'cancel out' our food for the day. But there will probably be even more days that we will…
  • Gordonx4, I personally think your goal of losing 66 lbs by February is a bit steep. I'd say February 2014 would be more realistic if you count on 1 lb a week and a few weeks off diet in between. Doula, I meant my fat count already being throug the roof (= bad), eating peanut soup did not make it any better. Was darn tasty…
  • Omg omg omg, if I have my after-workout drink I'll be OVER my 2400 target. My hubby asked for peanut soup tonight, which wrecked my already bad fat count. But I'm working on getting in the calories first, and upping the quality and macro balance later. Now I gotta run and get ready for my workout. See you later!
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are days I try to get some 'easy' food for dinner. Dinnertime in our house is about 7:15 (my husband works a long drive away) and an hour later I'm leaving for the gym. A big bowl of soup AND a salad are going to make me too stuffed to do a decent workout I fear. I used to eat a salad for lunch to up…
  • Don't you see changes in inches when you measure? Could you be holding on to some extra water? I can totally understand the frustration. Heck, I even fell for the '2 shakes plus a meal a day' thingy when I stalled beginning of this year. (this was not on EM2WL though, just my own sensible/slow weight loss program)…
    in Frustrated Comment by Carani July 2012
  • I made myself a nice display of snacks to bring along to work, which combined with my after-exercise protein shake will leave me with 500-550 cals for dinner (or 600-650 and have the protein shake with water instead of milk). That should do the trick of getting me up to 2400 today. I'm already over my fat limit, probably…
  • Those compliments are the best, right? I was at my mom's birthday saturday and so many people commented on my looks, it was almost emarrasing. Since my dad's birthday in April I have not lost a significant amount of weight, so that shouldn't be it. It can't be the weight workouts as I've only done 4 of them. It's probably…
  • Thanks for the help Raynn! I have to admit I'm still ambiguous about the TDEE or TDEE-15%. My head has a tendency towards TDEE but my feeling screams that it's going to be too much. So stupid! And it has to be 2400 cals of 'clean' food, right? No junk... that's going to be a lot! But the fact that I'm dreading to do this…
  • Guys, could you take a look at my numbers? I'm 32 years old, 98 kg (216 lbs) and 1.77m tall. I usually ate somewhere in the region of 1600-1800 cals, depending on activity level that day. In feb/march I did a few weeks of lower calories, but had to quit due to an infection that spread to my kidneys. Since then I've been in…
  • 1 frozen banana (if you have them, otherwise non-frozen will also work), 1/2 cup of fat free yogurt, 1/2-1 cup of berries and some skim milk (or water) to thin the whole thing to your desired thickness or 1/2 (frozen) cubed mango,1-2 handfulls of fresh spinach, 1 scoop of protein powder (I like 'fresh apple' with this) and…
  • What would be a good weight to start out with? I mean, dumbell-wise... I'm beginner-level, only lifting I ever do is a 35 lb toddler ;)
  • I've had one apple and 100 gr of strawberries. After work I plan to go to the store and pick up some raspberries for desert. (Sadly, I have only an early blooming raspberry left in the garden, which has had the brunt of its fruits last month. The late variety I used to have did not survive last winter) On the veggie front,…
  • I plan to take the bike to work today. That should help me make up for not exercising Monday. How do we count weeks by the way, starting on July 1st or on Monday?
  • Sritzy: grapes! Also very nice when frozen.
  • It seems like the 3500 cal exercise challenge is the favorite, right? I think that would be a great motivator!
  • I'm Cara, a mom of an almost-3-year-old. I have been overweight since quitting exercising after a bad knee break in my teens. I've started doing fitness 9 months ago, but the weight loss has been slow. I'm looking for ways to get things going again. This challenge would mean I'd have to lose almost half of what I managed…
  • Wow, a whole crew of ladies I can relate to! I'm mother to an almost-3-year-old boy, started my weight loss yourney at 235 lbs (had to google that since we're stricktly kilo-based over here in Europe :P), currently stalling at around 215 lbs. I'm also on the lookout for new friends, as it's time to take some action to get…
  • Cool, I'm just working on that point: building in some healthy snacks around 10 and around 3 in the afternoon. My big stumbling block is the evening at the moment :( Nay, strike that, it has always been snacking in the evening. I fell wayyyy off the bandwagon this week, scorfing down a piece of cake AND a frosted muffin…
  • Wow! A nice list with some good ideas. Thanks for sharing!