

  • wow!! thanks for sharing that!!
  • I've done the MC for 10 days 2 times now. EACH time at about day 8, people start commenting on my complexion - they say it's beautiful. ALSO, when I'm jogging, even after a week of doing the MC, I have so much energy!!! I've had my best jogs while doing the MC. I LOVE THE MC!! (I also lost weight)
  • I love the MC. I rolled on the floor laughing at jcummings description post salt water!! :)
  • Sweet potatoes are supposed to be a REALLY healthy food. I googled it and this site came up: My sister's doc told her they are one of the best foods God created!! Good for you for including them in your diet!
  • thank you! I'll enjoy looking at them - always ready for a new recipe!
    in Recipes Comment by number8 April 2008
  • don't give up! you may step on the scale tomorrow and be 2 pounds down. That's how it works for me sometimes.
  • Welcome Bunny!! Great idea to join a running club. Let us know how it goes!!
  • Welcome! THis site sure has helped me! I've lost 15 pounds since October, and it's all because I can actually SEE what I'm doing!! Good Luck!
  • I don't have direct experience with this type stuff - but I do work in a school... Decide what the problems are - write them down if you have to. Be specific. Does your 9 year old do anythign to make things worse? be ready to address that. Decide how you want the problem resolved or maybe you need the principal to tell you…
  • Nice to meet you! You are very smart to start working on your weight NOW while you don't have TOO much to loose!! You will do great! This site was a big help for me - I needed to SEE what I was doing - enough guessing at how many calories/fat/etc I had eaten! My goal is around 125 also! I've lost 14 pounds since I started…
  • When I first got serious about getting healthy, it took 4-6 weeks of exercising and working out before my body got the message!! So don't give up - it will happen! Now that I have been at it for awhile, I discovered that I can't loose weight when I am consuming sugar. I have to watch my sugar intake very closely. You might…