

  • You know I have been having a hard time with this as well. Through work I have a health advisor who guides me through the dos and donts or diet plans and things and honestly it just helps to email and talk to her... as far as keeping my self motivated having a friend doing things with you is AWESOME! writing blogs on here…
  • Are you in College or high school right now? either way you might have some resources around you or an actual health advisor you can speak with that can setup a plan for you. I would say if you are looking to weigh less maybe you are looking at it different and maybe workinig out a little more would do the trick for you?…
  • Are you in College or high school right now? either way you might have some resources around you or an actual health advisor you can speak with that can setup a plan for you. I would say if you are looking to weigh less maybe you are looking at it different and maybe workinig out a little more would do the trick for you?…
  • I havent so much felt like I am not getting enough food or anything like that, I just have a want for other foods I am trying to avoid. I think this is a struggle because it is still very early in this. I dont want to add more calories daily I sit at a desk and I have a wedding in oct 2012 so I want to be at my best as…
  • Today I have felt deprived... I am going through the "I wish" I had this or that and I could eat them but I have been strong day three... helps writing things down to really hold myself to it. I guess I am wondering if everyone who is counting calories do you give your self a free day or do you count every day no matter…
  • The other day I found out that instead of Veg Oil in cake mix you can use Apple Sauce! worked great and no oil!