How few calories is it safe to eat per day?

I decided to start losing weight last week, but I haven't started watching what I eat yet; I'm only recording my usual eating for diagnostics.

I eat, it seems, ~1100cal/day on average. Being completely ignorant of dietary requirements, I thought this was a little too much, and that I should get it below 900.

A little Google later, however, and apparently 2000 a day is recommended for an 18yo female?!

So: how many calories is it safe to eat per day, if I naturally don't eat as much as I should?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    What's the question? You are already undereating, but want to eat less to lose weight? This is very confusing.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    A Very Low Calorie Diet, <1200 per day should only be done under medical supervision, and not for long periods of time.
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    Figure out your bmr and start from there.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Totally depends on your BMR and TDEE, but if you're only trying to lose 20 pounds you should only be at a 500 calorie deficit max. I doubt your maintenance calories are only 1400 unless you're like 4'5".
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    2000 calories per day is the average for a female to maintain her weight. If you entered your information properly when you signed up, myfitnesspal would figure out what your body needs to maintain your current weight based on your age, height, etc. For you to lose weight, they will put you at a 500 calorie defecit. Meaning, if your body requires 2000 calories per day to maintain your current weight, your calorie goal for each day would be 1500 to lose weight. Eating 900 calories per day would cause you to hold on to fat to keep your body functioning. Try staying within 100 calories of whatever number myfitnesspal suggests for you. It works. Trust me. I've been eating anywhere from 1200 to 1400 calories per day for almost a year and am down over 40 pounds.
  • lessac
    lessac Posts: 105 Member
    What's your weight and height? Unless you are very petite and very sedentary, you are already eating too little and will be losing muscle mass if you keep doing that.
  • Heather2784
    Heather2784 Posts: 124 Member
    Uhm... you'd have to be pretty sedentary to be overweight while eating only 1,100 calories a day. Could you be counting wrong? If not, don't eat less, eat healthier. And start moving!!
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    2000 calories per day is the average for a female to maintain her weight. If you entered your information properly when you signed up, myfitnesspal would figure out what your body needs to maintain your current weight based on your age, height, etc. For you to lose weight, they will put you at a 500 calorie defecit. Meaning, if your body requires 2000 calories per day to maintain your current weight, your calorie goal for each day would be 1500 to lose weight. Eating 900 calories per day would cause you to hold on to fat to keep your body functioning. Try staying within 100 calories of whatever number myfitnesspal suggests for you. It works. Trust me. I've been eating anywhere from 1200 to 1400 calories per day for almost a year and am down over 40 pounds.

    here is where you start, and FORGET everything you saw on "Biggest Loser".
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    Totally depends on your BMR and TDEE, but if you're only trying to lose 20 pounds you should only be at a 500 calorie deficit max. I doubt your maintenance calories are only 1400 unless you're like 4'5".

    I am 5' tall and my maintenance calories are 1490 and that is to weigh 123 which is the high end of healthy for me.
  • ShannTron
    To lose weight safely......Take your weight right now. Multiply it by 13....that is how many calories you need to sustain your current weight. To lose 1 pound a week from eating alone you deduct 500 calories from that total. (3500 calories = 1 pound)

    so example:

    you weigh 180 pounds : 180 X 13 = 2340 calories a day

    to lose 1 pound a week: 2340 - 500 = 1840

    2 pounds a week = 2340-1000 = 1340

    I am doing an extreme diet and I exercise...I keep my calories around 1220 on non exercise days, and 1400 on exercise days. I however eat a variety of foods, alot of vegtables and dietary fiber. My fat is low and fiber high...I also make sure I do not starve myself...hence I eat when I am hungry. The myfitnesspal tools will help you design your goals.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Totally depends on your BMR and TDEE, but if you're only trying to lose 20 pounds you should only be at a 500 calorie deficit max. I doubt your maintenance calories are only 1400 unless you're like 4'5".

    I am 5' tall and my maintenance calories are 1490 and that is to weigh 123 which is the high end of healthy for me.
    [Edit - sorry, I just realized you weren't the original poster :ohwell: But you are 33 years older than the OP so your maintenance is going to be lower than hers]
  • red_hatorade
    Like one of the previous posters said, anything under 1200 is considered unhealthy. Eating 900 or 750 calories a day is just foolish unless it is physician ordered and supervised. There is no way someone needing to lose only 20 lbs should be eating that few calories. I would venture to say that the result of consistently eating fewer than 1200 calories has put your body into starvation mode.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Posters, please note this item in the guidelines:

    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.

    For a look at recommended calorie ranges from governmental data, please see p. 13 of this pdf

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Before saying things like that, you need to consider personal circumstances. I have a very small frame and I don't exercise at all. I eat 1000 calories/day without even taking note, I put on a lot of weight in the last year so I want to lose it again, I just eat low calorie foods. I'm guessing only the original poster gets what I mean...

    I believed that about myself once, too. I was young and tiny, never had much of an appetite, and didn't think I needed many calories. When I ate "normal" I gained, so I thought I shouldn't eat "normal." In reality, I was constantly starving myself, and while I weighed about 110 pounds, I should have weighed at least 120. If I'd been even the least bit active and had some amount of lean muscle mass, I would have weighed more.

    Fast forward twenty years, and some ups and downs on the scale, and I'm wearing the same size clothes I did when I was 19 or 20, but I'm eating close to 2000 a day and weigh fifteen to twenty pounds more. I'm just thankful I didn't completely destroy my metabolism or ruin my health with my bad habits.

    Don't wait twenty years to treat your body right.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I decided to start losing weight last week, but I haven't started watching what I eat yet; I'm only recording my usual eating for diagnostics.

    I eat, it seems, ~1100cal/day on average. Being completely ignorant of dietary requirements, I thought this was a little too much, and that I should get it below 900.

    A little Google later, however, and apparently 2000 a day is recommended for an 18yo female?!

    So: how many calories is it safe to eat per day, if I naturally don't eat as much as I should?

    This is unsafe and if you choose to do so, fine, but don't promote it to other members. Go through the MFP set up steps and eat what it tells you to eat + exercise calories.

    There is a reason MFP is popular - it works.

    If you have been eating less than 1,000 calories a day for an extended time and you have not lost weight - you have slowed your metabolism. You need to eat more and allow your body to trust that you will be nourishing it properly - then you will start losing.

    DO NOT continue to underfeed your body. Your metabolism will continue to slow further and further until you can remain fat consuming almost nothing at all.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I decided to start losing weight last week, but I haven't started watching what I eat yet; I'm only recording my usual eating for diagnostics.

    I eat, it seems, ~1100cal/day on average. Being completely ignorant of dietary requirements, I thought this was a little too much, and that I should get it below 900.

    A little Google later, however, and apparently 2000 a day is recommended for an 18yo female?!

    So: how many calories is it safe to eat per day, if I naturally don't eat as much as I should?

    I understand exactly what you mean, I never usually eat more that about 1000 calories/day. I think you should cut down to 900 for a while, and just see how things go, maybe a little more if you would like. Personally, I'm happy with 750 calories/day when trying to lose weight. It's totally down to you though. If you eat too few calories to get all the nutrients you need, try to change your diet to healthier foods (sweet potatoes are amazing) and vitamin tablets are good. I'm not an expert though, just going by experience :).

    I could be wrong,.but it seems almost like this is promoting an eating disorder? Severe under eating counts as an eating disorder, right?

    Before saying things like that, you need to consider personal circumstances. I have a very small frame and I don't exercise at all. I eat 1000 calories/day without even taking note, I put on a lot of weight in the last year so I want to lose it again, I just eat low calorie foods. I'm guessing only the original poster gets what I mean...

    I did. I know your stats, and realise your calculations are incorrect. I'm sorry if you were offended.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    1200 is way too low. don't do that or you'll go into starvation mode. please do what MFP recommends for you. your BMR is a good guideline. don't want to go below that.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    A little Google later, however, and apparently 2000 a day is recommended for an 18yo female?!
    Age has to be factored in though -- how are are you? Are you 18?
  • SuziPierce
    Are you in College or high school right now? either way you might have some resources around you or an actual health advisor you can speak with that can setup a plan for you. I would say if you are looking to weigh less maybe you are looking at it different and maybe workinig out a little more would do the trick for you? sometimes toning your body make you feel skinnier because things tighten up all in the right places... if you get into bad habbits now it only hurts you in the long run with weight gain.. so just be smart and ask someone who knows you like your family doctor or a nutrition person in your school programs... there are so many misleading ways to go about this make the smart decision and compare all your options... eating less doesnt alway help with weight loss in the best way possible sometimes working out and eating more is what you need to do to become the size and look you are going for. Good luck with this lil lady! its tough to know what to do sometimes keep pluggin away and try to find what works best for you. just BE SAFE