How few calories is it safe to eat per day?



  • hollythehutt
    Thank you for the advice! I'll definitely try to eat lots more.

    I'm not overweight; I'm 119lbs, but I've barely really, intensely exercised or played sports at all for the last three years, so it's really flabby. I'm also quite short - oh, euphemism time, I think - quite petite, at 5'5", so it looks and feels like a lot more than 119. I don't want to lose weight so much as I want to lose fat and replace it with muscle, though.

    Also: I'm not promoting anything. I was posting out of concern, not advocating undereating, just to clear that up.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Perhaps you should educate yourself on dietary requirements and nutritional/calorie needs.

    Right now you are hurting your body and going down a dangerous and unsustainable path.
    You can in fact enjoy food. You need food.
    Please take care of yourself, you are not eating enough.
  • SuziPierce
    Are you in College or high school right now? either way you might have some resources around you or an actual health advisor you can speak with that can setup a plan for you. I would say if you are looking to weigh less maybe you are looking at it different and maybe workinig out a little more would do the trick for you? sometimes toning your body make you feel skinnier because things tighten up all in the right places... if you get into bad habbits now it only hurts you in the long run with weight gain.. so just be smart and ask someone who knows you like your family doctor or a nutrition person in your school programs... there are so many misleading ways to go about this make the smart decision and compare all your options... eating less doesnt alway help with weight loss in the best way possible sometimes working out and eating more is what you need to do to become the size and look you are going for. Good luck with this lil lady! its tough to know what to do sometimes keep pluggin away and try to find what works best for you. just BE SAFE
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Thank you for the advice!

    I'm not overweight; I'm 119lbs, but I've barely really, intensely exercised or played sports at all for the last three years, so it's really flabby. I'm also quite short - oh, euphemism time, I think ;) - quite petite, at 5'5", so it looks and feels like a lot more than 119.

    I already take lots of vitamin tabs- I've taken lots for the past ten years or so as my mother used to give me them and I believed for a long time as a kid that everyone did. I don't log them, though, as I imagine there can't be any calories in vitamin tabs.

    In case I ever need to, is there any such thing as the opposite of an appetite suppressant? I'm quite comfortable eating like this, as I always have been, but I am vaguely aware that I might get myself into nutritional difficulties. Usually, though, about three quarters of my way through a meal, I literally can't eat another bite without feeling like a goose getting gavaged. :P
    If you aren't overweight by your own admission, why are you trying to lose 20lbs? If you simply want to be more fit, exercise more. Some vitamins can contain calories, just look on the bottle to see, it's usually the gummie kind and fish oils that have calories. In order to up your calories just eat more calorie dense foods, such as whole milk instead of low or non fat, nuts, avocados, olive oil, nut butters...all good calorie dense options to up your calories.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Thank you for the advice!

    I'm not overweight; I'm 119lbs, but I've barely really, intensely exercised or played sports at all for the last three years, so it's really flabby. I'm also quite short - oh, euphemism time, I think ;) - quite petite, at 5'5", so it looks and feels like a lot more than 119.

    I already take lots of vitamin tabs- I've taken lots for the past ten years or so as my mother used to give me them and I believed for a long time as a kid that everyone did. I don't log them, though, as I imagine there can't be any calories in vitamin tabs.

    In case I ever need to, is there any such thing as the opposite of an appetite suppressant? I'm quite comfortable eating like this, as I always have been, but I am vaguely aware that I might get myself into nutritional difficulties. Usually, though, about three quarters of my way through a meal, I literally can't eat another bite without feeling like a goose getting gavaged. :P

    If you're 5'5" and 119 you're creating more flab by undereating. Your body is burning muscle to fuel itself.

    You've got yourself into a real vicious cycle. You need to eat, lift weights and talk to someone about why at 119 you feel you need to lose weight.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Why not just set yourself up in MFP under their recommended guidelines for a reasonable weekly loss? That will answer your question perfectly. See the tickers of those who have done it that way. No need to discover the "lowest possible" fasted way. Just do it right in a way that will last forever.
  • iPhone4fotos
  • hollythehutt
    To clarify, I definitely, absolutely do NOT want to eat any less. I was asking how many calories is it safe to eat because I was concerned that I was unintentionally under it, not because I wanted to do it.
  • Julieothree
    Julieothree Posts: 63 Member
    As with all "medical" facts... the 1200 calorie recommendation is an ESTIMATE. Some people will need more, some less, and some it might work find for. Is your body temp exactly 98.5 degrees? Prob not... it's an estimate derived from many, many individuals. Find what works for you!
  • mysteria_
    mysteria_ Posts: 44 Member
    You guys are being SO RUDE to this girl... she asked about a HEALTHY diet, because if you read her first post you will see that she had some ideas about nutrition, began researching it, and saw that her ideas were wrong/too low... and came here to ask for advice.

    And now a bunch of you are attacking her, asking why she even needs to lose, telling her not to promote eating disorders, telling her to get educated... that's what she is TRYING to do here. Holy smokes. Very few people actually provided useful information without somehow attacking or insulting her.

    Everyone has to start SOMEWHERE when they begin learning about nutrition and eating healthy... sheesh. At least she is asking for advice on a health website instead of just starving herself.

    EDIT: To the OP, this is my favorite calculator, by the way-- put in your stats and see what you get! (IGNORE the option of "extreme loss," that one is usually too low for ppl who are already in the normal range to begin with)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    You guys are being SO RUDE to this girl... she asked about a HEALTHY diet, because if you read her first post you will see that she had some ideas about nutrition, began researching it, and saw that her ideas were wrong/too low... and came here to ask for advice.

    And now a bunch of you are attacking her, asking why she even needs to lose, telling her not to promote eating disorders, telling her to get educated... that's what she is TRYING to do here. Holy smokes. Very few people actually provided useful information without somehow attacking or insulting her.

    I find this fascinating as I just read the entire thread and didn't see anyone attacking her or being rude at all. You realize that concern or disagreement, differing opinions, those things are all OK and are not "mean."
  • red_hatorade
    I find this fascinating as I just read the entire thread and didn't see anyone attacking her or being rude at all. You realize that concern or disagreement, differing opinions, those things are all OK and are not "mean."

  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    You guys are being SO RUDE to this girl... she asked about a HEALTHY diet, because if you read her first post you will see that she had some ideas about nutrition, began researching it, and saw that her ideas were wrong/too low... and came here to ask for advice.

    And now a bunch of you are attacking her, asking why she even needs to lose, telling her not to promote eating disorders, telling her to get educated... that's what she is TRYING to do here. Holy smokes. Very few people actually provided useful information without somehow attacking or insulting her.

    I find this fascinating as I just read the entire thread and didn't see anyone attacking her or being rude at all. You realize that concern or disagreement, differing opinions, those things are all OK and are not "mean."


    You will find that if you exercise more, eat HEALTHY calorie dense foods (avocado, nuts, REAL yogurt not low/non-fat yogurt) you'll do better, you'll hit your macros (those matter, who knew?!) and you will look better. Lifting and exercising will cause you to gain muscle, which can add weight but it will be lean and sexy weight and not "skinny fat" weight. The scale doesn't matter, it's how you look nekkid that matters, well, that's my goal anyway.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The "promotion undereating" comment was, I believe, directed at the girl who thinks it's ok to eat 750 calories.

    Ethereaal, wow, do you sound like me at your age! Same height, and I was always thin, but gained a teensy bit of weight and though it was fat. (Actually, I was ok with it, but my then boyfriend was a d-bag!) If I knew then what I know now (but alas, MFP and the interweb was not around yet), I'd have become more active and eaten a better. Maybe then I wouldn't have had to wait until I was 38 before I realized how much I enjoy running, and just how GREAT this feels!

    Check this group on here: It's chock full of women who eat a healthy amount of food (not all eat 2000, but definitely more than 1200!) with phenomenal bodies.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Bottom line is that if you are gaining weight on a caloric limit that you should be shedding on then your metabolic rate is very slow. It is not uncommon to see this among men/women whom have tried shedding weight by excessively cutting cals over extended periods. The body is far to smart when it comes to surviving extended periods on low cals. What you need to consider is your body composition, even though someone may be small it is what the bodyfat % is rather than the scale weight. There are lots of skinny fat people out there. I would try to learn about proper nutrition, proper caloric intake, and when you are ready learn to reshape your body into what works for you, not what society says is the "ideal" body shape for men or women. Every woman/man can be sexy in their own right if they take the time to look after themselves and get healthy. Unfortunately today in society they promote a very unhealthy ideal which leads to poor self confidence. Do not think for one minute that that ripped dude or super slim chick is actually cramming the crap they sell down their throats, they sell whatever they are paid to sell not what they actually use.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    1100 is the lowest anyone is advised to go. Until you are 22 your brain is still growing some and there are a few additional metabolic differences in teens. So you would need to eat more than 1100. Google a teen BMR calculator, figure out how much you burn per day then reduce that by 500. If you exercise and burn additional calories make sure to eat the additional calories. Cut calories from sugar, crackers, pasta, and bread first before cutting any from your fruits, vegetables, and meat.
    Edit - you said you were 119 and tall? I missundrestood, at that weight at your age, you should not be restricting calories. Are you trying to gain weight? Then find your BMR and eat that PLUS whatever you walk off. To increase appetite, try some healththy fats and whateveryou tolerate well including carbs/dairy if they work for you. When I was young and a little underweight, eating regular healthy meals helped me gain more than eating candy and junk foods (those were the days).
  • Hyperspace
    All you need to do is go to a gym about 3 times a week and do some general strength training and some cardio. At 5'5" and 119 lbs, you're not fat-- if you're flabby, you're just under-muscled.

    Don't cut calories, and don't go hungry. Once you start exercising you will naturally want to eat more. All you need to do is make sure the "more" is good stuff like fruits and vegs and lean protein. Don't fill up on junk. And be sure to drink a lot of water.

    I guarantee that if you strength-train 3x a week , you'll see a difference in a month. That's just 12 gym visits. Just do it.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    2000 calories per day is the average for a female to maintain her weight. If you entered your information properly when you signed up, myfitnesspal would figure out what your body needs to maintain your current weight based on your age, height, etc. For you to lose weight, they will put you at a 500 calorie defecit. Meaning, if your body requires 2000 calories per day to maintain your current weight, your calorie goal for each day would be 1500 to lose weight. Eating 900 calories per day would cause you to hold on to fat to keep your body functioning. Try staying within 100 calories of whatever number myfitnesspal suggests for you. It works. Trust me. I've been eating anywhere from 1200 to 1400 calories per day for almost a year and am down over 40 pounds.

    here is where you start, and FORGET everything you saw on "Biggest Loser".

    amen to that
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Just say your question about whether there's something the opposite of appetite suppressants.

    There are appetite stimulants, but really... good food and regular exercise is the best thing for a healthy appetite! If, after you've made an effort to eat more balanced meals and snacks, you find it's too difficult, then you can talk to your doctor about your eating habits.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Since others have pretty much said everything, I want to add if you're looking to add muscle you're going to need to be eating a lot more. than when you're just trying to lose weight because your muscles will need fuel.

    Have you gone through the steps here for it to give you your calories? If not that would be a great start.