

  • Uh I am a sucker for sugar! I tried this 30 day challenge below and even after one week I wasn't craving anything sweet! I went back to eating normally but left the sugary stuff behind and almost all my cravings have stayed at bay. http://olsonnd.com/30-sugar-free-days/
  • Isn't that what some women work towards? I know I do! For so many of us it's the confidence and comfort levels we have to overcome and it seems you've done that. You worked hard for this body wear whatever gets the job done. IF you run faster, harder, and longer in a sport bra and your gym is cool with it...get to work and…
  • Agh!! I completely agree! Since my body fat % is lowering it's coming from my boobs first. Not cool, by the way, and I'm not quite sure what to do about it...someone help us out!
  • I like Seated Rear Delt Raises :) Best of luck!
  • I'm all for Jelena Abbou and Jennifer Nicole Lee!
  • The gym, that's where I found happiness ;)
  • I miss Kroger too!!!
  • Hi ya'll I'm Katie. I grew up in Athens, Ohio and currently live in Chicago. I decided to join myfitnesspal in order to track what I put into my body. I have recently decided to look into figure competitions and find a way to gain some muscle. When I think of Ohio I miss my family the most. I wish you all the best on your…
  • If at home DVDs are a thing for you check out beachbody products. I use Turbofire which is dance based but there are many other products too. Ever thought about yoga? Also if you have a phone with app capabilities I HIGHLY recommend the Nike Training App, literally the best thing I have ever downloaded and it's free! BEST…
  • Hello fellow Chicagoans I love in Lincoln Square and am always up for a good fun run. Moved here from Ohio three years ago. I'm currently looking to add muscle and am looking into figure competitions to keep it interesting. If you got knowledge or stories I got the ears for listening....
    in Hey!!! Comment by karnold14 January 2012
  • Hi! I am currently a high school varsity coach here in Chicago. It is my second year and I'm still working out the kinks, but love that I can still be involved in something that was such a big part of my high school life. I do stunt and tumble with my girls but only as an example and base (I was a back in high school.) I'm…