Breasts (Sorry Guys!)

So, I just looked in the mirror after having gotten out of the shower. My breasts look overtaken by stretch marks. It is CRAZY. Has anyone else noticed this as a problem, what have you done about it?


  • karnold14
    Agh!! I completely agree! Since my body fat % is lowering it's coming from my boobs first. Not cool, by the way, and I'm not quite sure what to do about it...someone help us out!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    That happens when the weight happened too fast - the skin was unable to stretch back in time

    Dig around for the full explanations - nothing THAT much to do about it, but do some "toning" exercices to make the skin more tense and balanced across the body :)
  • lindseykp
    Mine are like that from nursing my babies. They are not too noticeable so I have't done anything about it. Maybe try Mederma, that works for stretch marks. Good Luck!

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  • BooStewart
    I Find That Using A Litte Baby Oil In The Bath Or Moisturising A Little More Helps Loads. Of Course, Toning Is Good Too!! They Eventually Go Silvery And I Just Use Them As A Reminder That I Do Not Want To Put The Weight Back On!!