

  • Probably more than you think......
  • Cardio..................and Supplements wouldn't hurt either. I use Herbalife products...Look them up and see which one suits you best. Best of luck to you and post once you find a means of tackling that demon.
  • Hi Rebecca, Im new too so welcome and hope you learn as much as I am. Good luck! :happy:
  • Reminds me of that old John Candy movie "The Great Outdoors" and the "Old 96'er" steak challenge he ate in the movie. Yikes!
  • Thanks kge8580...I've always been a fan of your name (cause it's mine too!) :happy: Katie F.
  • It is Lynnie, it is! I love the way I feel now and I can tell this is going to be a great year. Congrats to you on your losses so far and keep it up :happy:
  • Hi Everyone, I just started this site when I commited myself (along with my brave sisters) to our local areas "Biggest Loser Challenge" and I thought this could help. Our Challenge started last week and last night was our FIRST weigh-in and I was shocked at what I saw and wanted to share it with you all. (See below!)…
  • For whatever the reason, we've all been there...Just gotta jump alittle higher now to get back on the wagon! :)
  • I just started to turn my life around myself and like "Healthy me" I loved working out at one point in my life...Im now hoping to find that old me again and I have started this great weight loss challenge and hoping anyone on here could share thier tips on what they did to help shed the pounds. Thanks and good luck to all…